chapter twenty:

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-- C H A P T E R
T W E N T Y --

"Amaandddaaa!" Jade calls out, opening my door. She's been happy like this since she said yes to Eric's proposal. It's nice but at the same time, kind of creepy. "You have a visitor!"

From behind her stands Freddie. His hair is combed neatly to the side and he is wearing a navy blue blazer with a white shirt underneath; accompanied by some black jeans and some sort of shoe brand. His arms are folded politely in front of him, and the minute his eyes land on my body, they widen in shock. And for a moment, I could have sworn I heard him gasp.

"Hi," I greet shyly.

"Hello, Amanda," Freddie greets, his dimple evident in the small grin he gives out. He looks absolutely gorgeous when he smiles. "are you ready?"

I nod, stepping forward towards him as he extends his arm out to me. I link mine with his and we head out the door. However, before we leave, I couldn't help but notice Jade smirking; wriggling her eyebrows and mouthing 'have fun'.

Friends... What would the world be like without them?


I stared outside the passenger's side window, my heart thumping at the possibilities of tonight's meeting with Freddie. I crane my head to the left to see him driving, his eyes focused on the road, and once again, I'm in awe at how gorgeous he looks.

"So, where are you taking me, Mr. Highmore?" I ask, wanting to know.

Freddie lets a coy grin play upon his lips as he briefly looks at me. "You briefly told me about the type of food you liked," he started, stopping at a red light. "I figured we could go to a little Italian restaurant called Geovani's."

I smiled at that. I've never been anywhere other than the typical fast food joints and now the Mexican food place he had taken me a week prior to this moment.

"I can't wait to try it!" I exclaim happily.

Freddie softly chuckled. "We should be there in about five minutes," he turns into the next street. "hope you can work up an appetite, love."

The rest of the car ride remained in silence.


"Forgive me for telling this to you now," Freddie started as he sat across from me at our table. "but you look great tonight."

I blush, covering my mouth as the heat rises to my face. "Thank you," I reply. "you don't look too bad yourself."

Freddie just winks. The waiter then arrives with our water and two glasses of wine; accompanied by a bottle of Moscato.

"Thanks, mate." Freddie tells the waiter. He holds the bottle in his hand and looks at me while the waiter tends to another table. "Now, I know you don't like to drink," he says. "but I figured you could try this. It's carbonated and it doesn't really taste like alcohol." He pours himself a glass. "Ye want to try?"

I take him at his word and nod. What the Hell? Why not live a little? Besides, he wasn't forcing me to drink, anyway.

"Sure." I shrug simply. He pours my glass and I bring the wine glass to my lips; tasting the lightly-coated alcoholic drink before me. I could taste the poison of the beverage, however, I found myself liking it. It had a certain fizz to it and I wonder if I could have another.

"What do ye think?" Freddie asks me.

I smile. "I like it," I reply. "would it be bad if I asked for another?"

The Englishman chuckles. "No, darling," he states. "it wouldn't be bad at all."


Three glasses in and I already feel dizzy. Freddie had to order our food because the minute that the waiter asked what we would like, I stupidly replied with: "Hi, I'm Freddie!"

"Are you feeling okay, Am?" Freddie asks me. Just as I began to feel light-headed, the aroma of merenara sauce wavered through my nose; sobering me up in seconds.

"I am now," I reply. I cut my chicken parmesan and take a bite of one of the pieces. "so... Are we on a date?"

Freddie stares at me, his eyes cold. "I don't date, Ms. Helgard." He quips.

"Then why are we here?" I inquire.

"You had questions regarding what I'm offering to you," Freddie replies honestly. "so, feel free to ask me."

"Okay," I reply, finishing up my third bite of my chicken parm. "Just let me sober up first."


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