I see You

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Whether you wanted it or not, you had a crush on Toru Hagakure. What could you say, the bubbly personality of the stealth hero was infectious and all around, she was a ton of fun to be around. That and it was a solid match for your more melancholy look to the world. I didn't mean you were depressed 24/7, but you did see the world in a similar fashion as Mr. Aizawa did, rational and full of misfortune. So, when you were paired up with her for the final exam against Snipe, people were both surprised and yet intrigued.

You were a mixture of both while Hagakure was more than happy with the choice. You both were in a small corridor, trying to plan out how your fight should go down.

Hagakure: So, what do you think our strategy should be! Mr. Snipe can see everything on a battlefield! Maybe we should make a slingshot like thing and-no that won't work. Or maybe we could-

You honestly didn't care. Not that you didn't want to win, far from it. You were jazzed and excited about this. It was the fact that you could just look at Hagakure without consequences. You could never see her, but deep down, you knew she was beautiful.

Hagakure: Any ideas? (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Oh, sorry. I'm not sure. Snipe's eyes will be our biggest issue. I'm not even sure if there is a way around that. But, our quirks could help. I have three different types of vision. One of them is inferred. I could scout him out.

Hagakure: Good thinking.

(Y/N): I mean, it really just a surp of the moment type plan, so I don't know how well this can work out and-

Hagakure: Are you kidding me?! This is going to be fun! Remember, Plus Ultra style!

(Y/N): Yeah. Plus Ultra.

Hagakure: So...got any plans for later.

(Y/N): Probably just go home and hang out. I'm not quite sure. I don't really do much outside of school.

Hagakure: Oh, we should totally go out to the amusement park near the beach! That place is awesome!

(Y/N): I mean, I don't know.

Hagakure: Trust me, you won't regret it!

(Y/N): Well, I trust you a lot. So, I hope you are right.

You couldn't see it, but Hagakure gave you one of the biggest smiles she could muster up.

PA: Would Team Hagakure and (Y/N) please come to the exam field.

You got up and cracked your back as Hagakure walked by you. You both entered the arena to begin the exam. The buzzer went off and you two ran in and quickly took cover behind a large stone wall. Your eyes turned red and you began to look out from cover. After a few seconds, you took cover again.

(Y/N): I think we're good to move on up. So you go up there and-Hagakure...are you ok?

Hagakure: Yeah. Why?

(Y/N): Inferred eyes. You're really heating up.

Surely enough, you could see that Hagakure was heating up a bit. Sure, she was right next to you with her hands on your shoulder, staying close to you. It wasn't like...she was right next to you and heating up...

A gunshot went off and some of the stone wall fell from above. You grabbed Hagakure and rolled along the ground. You quickly got up and went to second vision, x-ray vision. You could see Snipe was walking around the arena, looking for you both. You sighed and grabbed Hagakure's hands and got her up and behind cover.

Hagakure: What is it?

(Y/N): He's hunting us. We gotta get on the move.

Hagakure: Right. I'm going to take off my clothes and-

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