Rumors have always existed about Menagerie's wildlife. From dangerous giant cats, to bears, to even the python. The legend of the python was an old one, but to generalize, an ancient giant snake would lure people from all around the island into the jungle and was never to be seen again. Currently, Kali Belladonna was within her house within the capital of the island. Her husband, Ghira was out running the place. She was tiding up her home for a bit when she looked out towards the vast jungle of Menagerie.
She swore she could see something out there in the distance. This also isn't the first time, for the past month she has heard something that made her want to go out to the jungle. She would also see various colors whenever she was home alone, calling to her. Kali has always ignored these to be stupid dreams. As for now, she had a garden to take care of. But finally, the calling came and Kali looked back out to the jungle.
She saw them. Various colors. Green, blue, white, yellow, all in a collage calling her home. Kali's brain began to almost shut down as she stared at the colors. Finally, she shook her head and got out of the small trance. That's when Kali had enough. She decided to go out there and fine whatever it was causing this and stop it. For the good of her people, she had to act. She wrote Ghira a small note explaining where she was going and set out.
While she was walking down the path, she began to hear a small bit of music.
Kali: That sound? That's what I've been hearing all this time! Where is that?
Kali began to follow the source of the music. However, as she did, it seemed to have a grip over her. She slowly began to feel more and more relaxed walking through the harsh environment of Menagerie. However, after a few hours of walking, Kali came to a stop by a waterfall and sighed. She began to refill some water in a canteen while also getting some for herself.
After resting a little while, Kali gets up and stretches around.
Kali: Man, it's been years since I've go through stuff like this. I'm not old!
Kali cracked her knuckles, grabbed her bag and continued onward. As she was walking down the pathway laid out by trees, she was able to see a massive tail hanging from one of the branches. Kali gasped slightly and took cover behind a tree and took out her throwing knife and got ready. The tail moved and suddenly, a human upper body came out of the tree. Kali gasped seeing how the snake tail she saw before was attached to the man.
(Y/N): H-Hello? Anyone there? I promise, I don't want to hurt you! ...please.
The man sighed and and began to slowly sliver back up the tree. Kali sighed and despite her better judgement and walked out of her cover.
Kali: Hello.
(Y/N): Whoa! Uh, H-Hi.
Kali: What...are you?
(Y/N): A deformed Faunus. My tail isn't on my back. It's my legs. I was cast out due to it. I guess even Faunus can hate Faunus. Anyway, who are you?
Kali: Oh, my name is Kali. Kali Belladonna. And you?
(Y/N): (Y/N). It's getting late. You want to spend the night up here? Beats those predators that come around here at night.
Kali: If you don't mind?
(Y/N): Come on.
You extended your tail and wrapped it around Kali. You then brought yourself and her up to your branch and set her down onto it.
Kali: The upper limits here are amazing!
(Y/N): I know. So, what brings you out here to the jungle? Get lost or something?