•Chapter 14•

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•Uncalled For•
(⚠️Warning Touchy subject⚠️)

Midoriya's [POV]

We walked out of the theaters, I was holding Shochan's hand with a reddish face, while Momo was holding onto his arm, even though his hand was in his pocket. Of course I didn't really mind, the thing I knew is that they knew each other before Shoto knew me.

After a while he gave me a card, and told me the pin, he said he was going to the bathroom, he said to buy something I liked, even though I didn't like the thought of using his money, he insisted, and said if I didn't buy something, he would buy more things for me.

I didn't mind the idea of having more things, but the fact I wasn't using my money to buy my things, was the problem, but I decided if I bought an outfit, that would be it. He went to the bathroom, while I followed Momo into a store, I looked at the flower crowns, admiring them, they weren't so expensive, some going from 557.90 yen, to about 1673.70 yen.

(A/N: So 5-15 Dollars)

I picked one, the base had varying green colors, along with a few small flowers, and a few big ones, going in pastel rainbow pattern, it also had a gold color wire going around it. It was 1115.80 Yen, so a reasonable price.

(A/N: 1115.80 = 10 Dollars)

I bought it, putting it on. I felt a wave of happiness go over me. I went to go find Momo, she was at the back of the store looking at skirts. Skirts are nice, I just don't think I'll look good in them.

I walked over to her smiling with my flower crown on, I waited for her to notice me standing there, I guess she's doing her own thing, I'll respect that. I turn around and start walking towards the overall section when I was pulled back by the collar of my sweater. I pull it back enough to breathe.

I loosen the grip enough to turn around and see who was grabbing it. It was Momo, just she had someone else there, a tall male, shorter then Shochan, but taller then me. Momo let me go, the man dragging me away, they had their hand over my mouth, but I knew how to get attention, I kept hitting my head against his, and kicking or punching myself.

I felt the string tighten multiple times, I kept doing this till I felt the string getting shorter. He was reaching for the door right when Shoto reached, me. Of course I didn't like violence, but it's needed when these things happen, it's not the best to just it happen.

I was in the middle of both of them pulling me, but soon enough, Sho had pushed me out of the way, I caught myself on time. I crawled to a small corner, it was under a self, it was bigger then me, so it was easy to crawl into. I knew that none of them could reach me back here, being that I was in the shadows, Spoopy.

I felt our string tighten a few times, but seeing what was happening, I could tell he had the upper hand, the other guy just got small hits on him.

After a while security broke them up, they questioned both of them, I could fee bruises starting to form, I could tell I had a few cuts on my arms, being that the man had sunk his nails into my forearm. Yes, it hurt is all, but it was better then being touched in gross ways.

Todoroki's [POV]

The security was asking us questions, such as,
'what happened'
'Who started what'
'Who's this girl with'
'Who or what provoked this fight'

I answered them truthfully, while this guy lied about most of it, Momo agreed with that man, which just made things worse. The security officer asked why was I fighting, I just answered saying 'My string tightened, I can't just sit around and see my Soulmate almost get raped' he looked at me asking 'Where your soulmate?' I looked around to not see Izuku.

T-"Izuku? Where are you?" Just as I finished my sentence, I see him pop out of a small dark corner.

M-"S-sorry, I didn't know where else to go, I couldn't really just leave the store, especially when I know you could get hurt." I smile, wrapping my arms around his waist, pulling him into a hug.

He returned the hug, wrapping his arms around my neck. The security officer pulled out a a device, he scanned us, I looked at him in a confused manner.

Sec.-"It checks to see if there is a string, and sure enough, you do, and seeing the boys injuries, I'll let you two go. We'll have you escorted to the malls nurse." We nodded, seeing another officer come around and lead us to the nurse. While the officer took them into custody.

We made it there in a short trip, not a problem. He got treated for his cuts and bruises, while I got treated for the same reason. Mine didn't hurt being that I've gone through the same treatment at home, but for Izuku it wasn't, so he hissed in pain time to time.

After they were done, they sent us along, I left Momo her bags when we left the store, but I brought everything else, such as the clothes I bought Izuku, and he had his flow crown, even though I told him to buy something more. I could tell he didn't want to be here, i didn't have a lot of bags, so put the two bag in one hand, and picked up Izu with my other arm.

He seemed shocked, but melted into the feeling later on. We walked to his house, passing the park, and kids playing outside. Before I could unlock the door with the key Izuku handed to me, he handed me the Card, resting his head back into my shoulder.

I unlocked the door, taking off our shoes, it was around 8pm, the sun was setting as I walked to his room, I placed the bags down, before placing him down.

I took off my sweater jacket, along with my hat and belt. Sleeping in that would be a nightmare. I turn around to see Izuku had taken off his flower crown and glasses.

We smiled getting into the bed, having a long day, to tired to explain to his mother what happened to him and I since yesterday and today.

We laid there together, in each other's embrace, just listening to our heart beats and breathing rhythm, as we fell asleep in sweet bliss.

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