•Chapter 29•

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•Month 7, School•

Todoroki's [POV]

After we paid we headed out of the store, we didn't get much though, so the amount didn't matter to much. We were walking back to his house, since we went through one of the nearby shops . When we made it, we put the things we bought on the floor of Izuku's room, putting our backpacks next to them.

We headed downstairs for a quick snack break. I made a bit of rice, while he made some tea for us. I was washing the rice, while he was boiling the water for the tea in the kettle, I then felt a chill go down my spine. I began boiling the water with the rice in, putting the lid on.

I wasn't afraid of boiling water, just the kettle, it sent shivers down my spine. The problem was that it was a memory I'll never be able to forget.

I wanted to forget it, to live normally, but that's not easy when you have a constant reminder every time you look in the mirror, or brush hair out of your face.

I finished making the rice, putting them in two bowls. While Izuku grabbed the tea leaves from the self. I placed them on the table along with some utensils.

I helped Izuku by helping him look for the strainer. It ended up being under the the sink, so I handed it to him before returning to the table. Waiting for him to finish, after putting the cups down onto the counter.

He put the tea cups in front of each of us, as we sat in peaceful bliss, eating. We then finished eating and went back upstairs to start packing our bags for school. The first day of school is gonna be on Friday. Izuku is nervous, but I guess I wasn't.

I knew what was gonna happen, the same thing happened in every school I went to. What would happen, is I would go to a school, and a better school would offer me to join them, then it would happen again and again.

Not because I was being made fun of, or I was being bullied, but because the old man made me, so the friends that I made, were left behind. I only made one friend in grade school, and I had to leave them behind.

•Time Skip to Friday•

Midoriya's [POV]

I heard the alarm ring, I look next to me to see that Shoto had already gotten out of bed, as I heard the water from the shower turning off. I see him come out of the bathroom after a while, dressed him his uniform.

I was trying to tie my tie, I struggled but left it as it was. I heard Shoto laugh under his breath, I pout, watching him tie his perfectly. I pout again, grabbing my back pack, heading to the kitchen grabbing my lunch and putting on my shoes.

He did the same following behind me, we headed towards our school, but decided to take the bus, making it a few minutes early. Having enough time to put our things away and walk around a bit, which was actually quite peaceful.

We eventually made it back inside, then started walking to class, to a classroom labeled as 1-A. There was already a few of students there. They seemed fairly strange, a group was around one of the desks, seeming to be laughing and cursing, while other students were chatting and laughing quietly unlike them.

We shrugged it off and went to his desk, he sat down and I sat on his desk. We talked till the bell rang. I jumped down his desk, being that it wasn't to high. I headed back to my desk, hearing the door open, I watched as a black haired man walked up to the front of the class.

A- "Today will be like preparing for an upcoming Talent show, one with the whole school looking at you. Just make a group of four, and do what you want to do for it. Good luck and leave me alone, have any questions, figure it out." He seemed tired and on a few cups of coffee, still sleeping either way.

Students started getting up, as some others sat while groups came up to them. Shoto walked up to my desk, with a few other people coming up to us, a blue haired boy and brown haired girl.

U- "Hi! We were wondering if you would wanted to partner with us!" The blue haired boy pushed his glasses up before speaking.

I-"Uraraka! You have to introduce yourself before asking. Anyway, My name is Iida!" The short girl, who is apparently named Uraraka, pouted.

U-"Oh! Right, I forgot! And my name is Uraraka! Which you probably already know because Iida said it. But what do you say!" We looked at each other before speaking.

Todoroki's [POV]

We nodded at each other before deciding to agree, and seeing how much people were already paired up, we decided to say yes.

M-"Sure! But what will we need to do this? Like who will play which instrument, or-" I cut him off, knowing he'll go rambling, cute, but it's not needed right now.

T-"we'll figure things out later on, for now we need to make a beat before coming up with the lyrics for it, alright?" His face turned red out of embarrassment, nodding his head repeatedly.

(A/N: Thank you to spaciiboba they are one of my in real life friends, and one of the confirmed editors. Please thank them! Also, sorry for all the brain cells you lost while reading my last books and the other chapters.)

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