Chapter 2 : Jet Lag

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Way Back to Airport

They say home is where the heart is.

Delhi was not less than home for him. But right now he didn't have a heart to face the morning traffic of Delhi, as a feeling of anxiety was coming back to him.

The 15 hours journey, unbearable cold refreshment in the flight and a lack of sleep....

All of these had exhausted him!

Arnav straightened his Grey blazer, as his white shirt was peering from behind along with black pants.

'I just need a soothing shower!'

He thought while looking out of blackened windows of the large black SUV.

"What is the current situation Aman?"

"I can't name it as 'Good', ASR."

Came the prompt reply from his cousin-cum-friend, "Moody's Investor Service has downgraded our credit ratings. They were citing our stressed assets and low loss-absorbing buffers as the reason."

Arnav who was keenly listening, now commented on it, "It may give us a negative outlook. At this rate we can lose crucial deals."

While Aman completely agreed, before handing him the laptop, which had all the needed information for him.

Aman Mathur-the Managing Director of 'G&R' was really very talented.

That's why he had got such a big responsibility at such a young age.

Beng studied in the same school of Dehradun, Arnav and Aman knew each other inside out.

Although they had changed their ways as Arnav had taken the Finance & Accounts, while Aman had opted for Business & Management for graduation.

"How is Buaji?" Arnav asked about Aman's mother, while studying the data.

"Amma is fine, with her Nandkishore." Aman joked, getting a hint of a smile from Arnav.

(Well, ASR can't smile.
General Knowledge for you readers!😉 They my ask in your next job interview!😜)

"She is pestering me for marriage. Every week there is a proposal of a beautiful and well-cultured girl from Lucknow."

Aman had horrible expressions on his face, while speaking about it.

"You should get married then. Why don't you introduce her to Sheetal?"

Arnav advised him, with a mirth.

"Hmm...But Amma is sometimes very difficult. Sheetal is not as per her taste."

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