Chapter 20 : Mangalsutra

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GR Aman's Cabin

"Thank you very much, Mr. Singh!" Aman thanked the owner of restaurant, where his wife was appointed as assistant chef, on his request.

"No need to thank Mr. Mathur. Her skills have already impressed us, in the entrance test itself. Even without your recommendation, we would have hired her."

Aman smiled listening appreciative remarks for Lavanya, as they concluded the talk after the formal pleasantries.

He always knew Lavanya was talented. That's why, he had suggested her to apply for the job.

'It will help her in polishing her skills, under professional guidance.'

Anyways he had to engage Lavanya in something like this, as she was getting depressed due to her heartbreak and this forceful marriage.

Or so he thought...


Hotel Lobby:

"Excuse me!"

Arnav got stilled, as someone tapped on his back, making him detach from the lovely encounter with his wife.

'Who it might be? Sood or Roy?'

Khushi groaned in disappointment, as Arnav withdrew himself, the pleasurable feeling ending abruptly for her.

"I am sorry sir, but such behavior is not allowed here. Please retrieve to your room!" The person in navy-blue uniform asked politely.

Arnav sighed finding the hotel staff, while Khushi also came into senses.

He might have taken them as some horny couple, who couldn't keep their hands off each other.

The so-called horny couple tried to upright their appearances, embarrassed to the core, as they tried to ignore what just happened before the Manager.

"May I know your room number Sir!" He inquired further, making the two gulp.

Now what?

Arnav thought, as his eyes caught the nameplate of person, and he relaxed.

'Rudra Oberoi!'

"Khushi Pagal Hai!" Arnav uttered suddenly, making Khushi frown on him.

Rudra, the hotel Manager had a knowing expression after hearing the code. "Oh! I was waiting for you. Akash sir had informed me!" He handed a packet to Arnav.

Arnav took the packet and grabbing Khushi's hand vanished in the empty room, which Rudra had indicated.

"Couldn't you have any other code?" Khushi rebuked Arnav, as he closed the room which seemed to be under renovation.

Their earlier embarrassment had subsided or they did it intentionally.

After all a mission was to be accomplished.

"Established facts are easy to remember." Arnav answered coolly, hiding his smile. "Now turn back I have to change." He indicated towards the uniform of waiter, which Rudra had handed him.

Khushi got enraged at his response. "What's there I have not seen?"

She passed the remark and moved away, while Arnav turned crimson red, remembering the bathroom scene from last week.

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