Chapter 25 : Luggage

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Next Morning:

Khushi was feeling a light headache when she opened her eyes. She was spooned by Arnav with their legs tangled. Her head was beneath his chin, pillowed by his right hand while his left hand was cocooning her body.

She looked at herself to find her skimpy dress barely covering her left bosom and right bosom hidden under his palm while their lower bodies were covered by the duvet.

Sensing her movement, Arnav also woke up, releasing her from his protective engulf.

"Tum theek ho?" (Are you ok?)

"Hmm..." She didn't elaborate as the last night happenings came rushing to her, from the spiked drink to Neil, Roy and then their moments which were hazy, but clear enough to embarrass her.

He was not satisfied with her answer so he cupped her face with one hand to make her look towards him, but she got up, removing his hand.

"I need to get freshen up!" She told him, while pulling the dress up covering herself, avoiding his gaze on her.

As she moved towards the washroom, his voice reached her, "If you need help in washroom, I am here like last night!" She looked behind once to see him with a teasing smile.

Locking the door behind she came to mirror to find her reflection blushing, with a faint smile.

She couldn't understand what was happening with her. The hickeys on her body were looking beautiful to her and she was craving for the warmth of his body which she had left just moments back.

All those butterflies she felt when he teased her, the heating of cheeks when he touched her, were indicating towards only one thing. 'Am I falling in love?' Her heart questioned her mind.

'But I can't fall in love!' Came the answer from the mind as Shyam and NK's memories envisioned.

She had loved Shyam and trusted NK, but what she got was the cheating, imposture, deception.

'I can't repeat my mistake!' She felt the wetness of tears on her face. 'If I don't want to cry in future, it's better I stay away from him!' She made a decision as she opened the shower to flow away the pain from her eyes.

'I have married ASR for my company, that's it. Nothing more nothing less.' She tried to rub away the fanciful feeling of his touch from her body.

'I will get my company back and then it will be over.' She had a perfect plan ready to end this complicated confusion of heart.


Aman got up with a feeling of drum beating on his brains and a bad ache in his temples. Finding himself on bed, he tried to remember, what had happened last night.

'I was upset with ASR and Lavanyaji dancing together and when she went away without telling me anything, I got myself drunk.'

He came out of his thoughts seeing Lavanya in a blue saree coming with a tray. Her eyes were puffy and face was devoid of any emotions.

'She has opened the door!' He remembered vaguely, taking a glass of lemon water and an aspirin from her.

'Is she angry that I got drunk?' He thought gulping the water as she was looking reserved.

"Did something happen last night, Lavanyaji?" He asked finally as he was getting bad vibes.

"How are you feeling now!" She asked sternly without answering his question.

"Fine!" He said, feeling her behavior a bit odd. He stood up from bed still in his party clothes.

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