Chapter 24 : Alcohol

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A long mature part ahead😚

Arnav put Khushi in the car who was still under effect of alcohol.

"Akash! I want Neil by tomorrow morning." He said in his Bluetooth sitting in the driver seat.

After following Neil and Khushi, he had found them entering the hotel room. But when he had broken the door open, he was shocked to find an injured Roy with his head hit by a wine bottle. There was no sight of Neil. Khushi had managed somehow to get rid of Roy and was trying to come out.

Arnav had taken control from there.


"He was forcing himself on me Arnav!" Khushi was telling him as he carried her towards their bedroom.

" are safe now!" He said cupping her drowsy face. "We are home!" He kissed her forehead.

"Arnav I need to use washroom!" She requested him, with her head on his chest.


Lavanya woke up with the strike of two in clock. She had dozed off in the hall, still in her party attire, waiting for Aman to return.

After coming to know about Sheetal, she had left the party without informing anyone.

'Khushi lied to me!'

But the cause of stinging feeling in her heart was not her sister but her husband.

'Is there someone else in his life.' She was determined to ask him everything tonight.

The door bell rang, after a few minutes and she opened the door for a heavily drunk Aman stumbling on her.

"Amanji?" Lavanya was shocked to find her restrained husband, in such condition. She somehow brought him to bedroom.

"I am sorry Lavanyaji...for troubling you with this!" Aman slurred while indicating his drunk self, "I thought, you have gone with ASR!" He smiled sadly.

"And why would I have done that?" Lavanya's firm voice was laden with anger.


Arnav helped a fuddled Khushi out of washroom after washing her face. She had normalised a little.

"You spoiled my dress!" Khushi complained with a pout, seeing her dress wet near her bosoms while Arnav's eyes darkened seeing two prominent mounds teasing him.

'Why does she have to tell me that?' He clenched his jaw.

"It is good then. I don't want you to wear it again!" His voice was annoyed as he controlled himself. "I had asked you to not wear it in first place. But you have to drive attention!"

"Don't blame me! It was you who was clinging to those women including Lavanya!" She was squiffy, "Even your score was more than me!"

"I am talking about Roy!" He went close to her ignoring her crap, "Why did you need to talk to Neil?"

Neil was working for Roy. In their spying adventure three weeks ago, Roy might have recognized them and was taking revenge of his insult.

"I didn't talk to him. He had come to me! He was going to reveal, how to make you worship me." Her words turned him on, as he forgot his anger and imagined various scenarios to worship her.

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