Chapter 28 : Realisation

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Gauri's wedding:

Aman saw her giggling with her week-old friends, sharing some joke.
'How much I missed her dimples!'

"Jeejaji, would you like some sweets?" One girl offered him some snacks, "Or you have filled your appetite just by looking at Lavanya!" She teased him.

He just smiled, again glancing at her.

A week ago when he had reached his home in Lucknow, expecting to surprise Lavanya he was surprised in return, "Lavanya has gone to Kanpur bitwa!" His Amma was wondering that he didn't know about it, "It is marriage of a friend."

After torture of one week of not able to meet her, he had left finally for Kanpur to fetch her back.

"It was Gauriji's wedding. She had insisted me to come a week in advance." Lavanya had told him in the morning as he appeared suddenly.

'She still looks reserved around me.' He observed.


It was a week full of loneliness and torture for Khushi as she was longing for her Raizada.

'I didn't feel such intensely for any of my boyfriends, then why with him?'

After their unsatisfied kiss she was craving for him. He had even graced her with his presence in her wet dream.

'I'll neither remember him nor talk to him.'

Taking resolution to not call him, she was bearing the pain since last week. He had also not disturbed her by any call or message.

But his work had ended yesterday and all staff including his secretary was back.

'Why isn't he back yet?' Her fear of Malik was making her crazy. 'Aman might know.'

Not able to control anymore she dialled to Aman but he was unreachable.

'This Aman has become useless now a days!' She was annoyed.


"So, have you come to take your boss' daughter!" Gauri pulled Aman's leg as he congratulated her with a wrapped gift-box.

"No Gauriji, to claim my wife!" He was confident now as he saw Lavanya coming towards them.

Bidding everyone good bye they moved to their car as Aman put a hand on her smooth waist tingling her.

"Still angry?" He asked her, putting gifts from Gauri's family in backseat, while she remained silent.


Sheesh Mahal

"You can never get rid of me Bhatije!" Malik smirked at Arnav. Arnav had finally got him arrested for all misdeeds he had done illegally. But his spineless uncle was not repenting it.

"I'll come back soon and get rid of you just like your parents!" Arnav shot glares at him. "Do you really think it was an accident!" He laughed like a maniac, as he was handcuffed and taken away.

While Arnav was rooted to ground listening it.

Accident? Parents!


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