Chapter 6 : Lift

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GR Office Main Branch

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GR Office Main Branch

Arnav punched the button in the lift.

According to the receptionist, Aman's office was on the 5th floor.

There was one more lady in the lift with him, and by her short skimpy dress, she might be a model, as she smiled at him.

"Hi, umm...haven't seen you here earlier. I am Sheetal Khanna by the way." She raised her hand for a handshake... giving her quick introduction.

'Is she Aman's girlfriend?'

They were shaking hands, as he thought, while her smile seemed sultry, but he responded for the sake of formality.... introducing himself as,
"ASR. I am one of the shareholders of G&R. Came from the US just today."

She took her sweet time to leave his hand, while he cleared his throat.

"Came for the meeting? No use. This company won't stand for long."  She covered distance between them, saying so.

While Arnav scrunched his eyes on her earlier comment, while she suddenly came too close to him, not giving him time to respond, handing him her card, as she whispered, "This is my personal number. I am free tonight." Their lips were just centimeters away.

That's how Khushi had found them,  when the lift doors opened, making Arnav dash out of the lift, trying to be away from the wanton as soon as possible.

"G...good Morning KKG." Sheetal was stuttering while Khushi threw daggers at her.

"Finally we get fortunate enough, to have your sight Miss Khanna."

"I...I thought shoots got cancelled. Isn't there an important meeting today?"

'And company would be sold off to Trustiano!' Sheetal thought, but didn't mouth the words.

"Don't think too much Sheetal. Your brain doesn't have that feature."

Sheetal clenched her teeth, on the insult by Khushi.

"You don't have anything to do with the meeting. Last time I checked you were just a model."

"I am sorry KKG. I will report to NK." She hurried away, trying to go away from the sight of KKG as soon as possible.

While Khushi turned to Arnav who seemed to enjoy the scene before him. "What the hell are you doing here?"

For a moment Arnav got offended by her tone but soon recovered.

"That's not the right way to talk to your potential brother-in-law, is it?"

He was hinting towards her earlier 'son-in-law comment' in the morning.

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