Chapter 33 : Honeymoon

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Needles to say it is also mature🥶
You can skip this chapter completely if you are not comfortable 😜
There is no loss of story ☺️

"Do you want it now!" He asked looking at her with a passionate gaze. He didn't have to wait long as she reversed their positions, coming over him.

The air between them was increasing their need, passion and desire. Their bodies were in flames, so were their minds.

Arnav was more than ready to consume her but he was not sure about her feelings. But he didn't want to spoil it with his doubts.

Khushi knew that she wanted to spend her life with him, whatever happens. She didn't want to think more to bring in her insecurities.

With a push on his chest, she rolled, sinking his back got into the mattress, as she crouched over him, with her legs on either side of him, straddling him.

Placing her palm against his chest, she diminished the gap between their craving lips, ending the torture of their bodies.

She tilted her face to a side, completely covering his mouth with her, indulging in an erotic smooch with him which he reciprocated with his own passionate vigour.

The need of oxygen parted them away as she started kissing her neck while his hands were feeling her milky thighs. "You are always this dominating!!" He murmured against her lips, as she settled between his legs.

"I don't agree!" She told him as her eyes locked with him, and her fingers moved down on his shirt, covering his hard chest to his abdomen and down. He gulped as his body felt a current passing when she was close to the forbidden territory but then she reversed her hand, making him sigh.

Giving him a teasing smirk she moved back as she brushed her hand around her neck, scooping her hair to one side. Twisting her arms around her waist, she held the hem of the t-shirt, pulling it above her, as her naked body got revealed to him, taking his breath away.

"Fucking goodness!"

He was not sure if the exquisite view was a dream or an imagination. But the uneasy feeling in his that part proved it to be a reality.

He took ragged breaths, as his lips itched to kiss her white smooth skin,  which was hidden underneath her silky hair by now. He felt himself to be getting succumbed to her beauty, as the desire and passion increased.

Given to the temptation he yanked her arm, pulling it closer to him kissing her lips for the nth time in the night.

Their scorching kiss never broke, while his fingers started to fiddle with the buttons of his shirt in order to peel the shirt off his body. His skin itched under the fabric to get in direct contact with her skin with no shred of cloths in between them.

She broke off the kiss, unbuttoning his shirt finally, as she leaned away, while he slightly raised his torso, wearing off the shirt off his body, leaving his sculpted body frame for her to touch, to kiss, to feel. Her eyes lingered on the taunt muscles of his chiseled chest, his well maintain abs, before she lifted her eyes to him.

He watched her as she drew her lips closer to his face, lining his jaw line to his Adam Apple, with lingering kisses, skimming her lips down his throat to the base of his neck, like the slow burn of fire, stimulating his manly erogenous zones of body.

She placed her left hand by the side of his head, helping herself to keep leaning upon him, while he threw his head back, allowing her more access to his body, his hands lingering on her nudity, caressing her, touching her here and there, feeling her up, while she showered his sculpted well-defined body with her lips.

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