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Two Years Later:

Holding her against the metal door Arnav ripped off the netted bra with a single pull of his finger. Soon he started moving his lips against her valley teasing her flesh with his hands.

Khushi arched as he removed the barrier and his mouth met her soft flesh, his tongue exploring the regions. He pressed her body with his and there she felt his hard part.

Next, he took an ice cube in his mouth from the breaker as Khushi looked on. Locking his eyes with her, he took her other breast in his mouth stroking it with his tongue and pressing her nipple in between his teeth kneading it.

"Arnav...ah...." Khushi moaned insignificantly, feeling her body on fire with his wild yet erotic action, and the strange sensation of his warm mouth and cold ice. Taking few ice cubes in his hands he trace her body making her squirm in desire.

"I can't take it more Arnav." She struggled to control as he moved up to her mouth. Kissing her with his now cold mouth, he locked her legs around his hips as he moved away from the cabin door.

With one stroke of his hand he cleared the vast mahagony table, of all its things. As he made her lie there, she opened his pant, making it drop on floor along with his boxers.

Lifting her skirt, the only clothe on her body, he thrusted into her as he again got busy with the soft mounds which were looking more fuller and curvier these days.

"Faster...." Khushi screamed clutching his hair tightly as the passion for each other erupted, igniting flames in their body, her cabin echoing with their moans and groans.

She pulled him above, tugging his tie as he kissed her lips scorchingly, tasting every inch of her mouth, drinking juices, as he increased his speed, on her wild demand.

"Come with me" he groaned as he felt himself near. She wrapped her legs more firmly on him and with final push they collapsed down on the table itself, while Arnav half standing and half lying above Khushi.

As they came into senses he looked at his beautiful wife of two years, looking more pretty, a serene glow on her face.

It was his fantasy to make love to her in office hours, crowded with the staff and workers.

"Move, someone might come in!" She told him as his desirous eyes were still dark, looking at her ravishing self.

"Who will dare to come after hearing your screams Biwi!" He lifted his discarded clothes above his hips, zipping the front. Two years of their married life and she was still wild.

"My cabin is soundproof!" She hooked her bra, looking out for her shirt which he might have thrown somewhere.

He chuckled on his witty-headed wife. He had come here to study a deal when his horny wife had reminded him of his fantasy.

"I hope it is not some trick to steal my ideas!" He said helping her in buttoning her shirt. AR and G&R were now the top companies in Fashion Industry and not to mention 'Rival Companies!'

"AR can't have better ideas than us, specially when its chairman spends more than half of the time in G&R." She started gathering all things from floor, after his stunt of sweeping away all things.

"Let's see then, who gets the next contract!" He challenged her, helping in reorganizing all things as his eyes caught the white envelope on the floor.

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