All my au's (and if they would work in season 7)

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So I can't write good

But I have a lot of au's that I would like to write about

But I made these all in season 6 and as we all know, that's ending

So this will be a list of my au's and if they would work in season 7

First off my au's that I've talked about in this book

-the monster au will work in season 7 I'll just have to add in whatever new hermits join the series

-the yandere au will work but I might have to change up somethings depending on how the series is gonna go

-and the Dragon Bros (if it even counts) will DEFINITELY not work it was a season 6 plot point this is season 7. But I will keep the Dragon Bros ask and dare because of how much I loved working (on it it's not discontinued btw)

Now to the au's that I've made that I've never told you all about

-my first au the Jekyll and Hyde au (it was the best name I could think of) in this au Scar drinks a potion that gives him a split personality (hence the name of the au) his name is badtimeswithscar (or bad times for short). Scar randomly turns into him and when he does he usually starts killing random hermits (death isn't permanent in this au) bad times is also really good at persuasion he can make anyone do anything (expect Cub). This au could work in season 7 but I prefer to keep it in season 6 (Scar does end up getting rid of him though)

-next the second au I've ever made the aqua Scar au (why were all my first au's Scar related I didn't watch that much Scar back then) in this au Cub gets rescued from drowning by a strange fish creature who he learns is named Scar. Cub takes Scar to the concorp head quarters and decides to keep him a secret from the other hermits. Over time Doc finds out about Scar and demands that he'd be put in area 77 but cub refuses. After a fight with Doc where we learn that Scar can bend water Xisuma finds out about Scar and he is expected as a hermit. As you can see this au is HEAVILY connected with Area 77 so it probably won't work in season 7 but this might be the first au I make a full on story about.

-the yokai au (strap your self in this is a wiled one) so the Architects find a strange book in Sahara's system that is full of yokai knowledge and history but write it off as nothing and Grian takes it home with him. The next day the Architects wake up to learn that they're now yokai (Grian is a Bake Neko Mumbo is a Raiū and Iskall is a Tanuki). They take the book to Xisuma and that's when they learn that you turn into a yokai if you touch the book (Xisuma wasn't wearing his armour at the time and became a Kappa) so they take the book to Joe (who's wearing gloves) and they start studying the book. Over time the book starts teleporting around the server turning more hermits into yokai and after a bit the Architects learn if they remain yokai for any longer they will start lose all of they're humanity. I feel like this au could work in season 7 if I changed a few things in it but I also imagined this au to be like a ask and dare so I might make that during season 7

- Poultry man au (I never came up with a real name for this one) this au is heavily based off of the old Sonic manga (the one where Sonic is just a split personality) basically it's normal Hermitcraft but Grian randomly turns into Poultry man when he is needed. Grian and the other hermits are unaware of Poultry man being Grian and not a lot of people believe Grian is Poultry man besides a few hermits. This au can DEFINITELY work in season 7 but only if Poultry man makes a return. Edit just watched Grian's last video, seams like Poultry man isn't making a return so this au is probably not gonna work.

- where lighting strikes twice (I gave this one a cool name) in this au Wels and Jevin find a recording inside of Biffa that they project on a screen. Through the recording they learn about a young boy named Viva, Biffa's creator and his   boss/friend Stephen. Over time all of the hermits come to watch these recordings except Doc and Mumbo because they're working on farms. They end up finishing they're redstone and come just in time for the final recording where they learn that Stephen has turned into a monster and Viva has to run away abandoning Biffa. Once Mumbo and Doc see this they both leave the room crying confusing the already confused hermits. Grian and Iskall go out to talk to Mumbo wail Ren goes out to talk to Doc. Mumbo tells them that he was Viva and used to work at the lab as an assistant to the head scientist Dr. Stephen wail making his own project a robot. As time went on Stephen became more and more obsessed with his studies to the point of testing them on himself. After awhile Stephen turned into a creeper hybrid cuts off his arm and eye and starts attacking people in the lab. Mumbo barley escaped with his life abandoning his project to became a redstone engineer and then got excepted into hermitcraft. Doc tells Ren that he was Stephen and used to work at the lab with Viva, he used to study mobs D.N.A and got so into his project that he started testing his samples on himself. After a bit he ended up blacking out with dead bodies everywhere and a foggy memory forgetting his name in the process. With so sign of Viva he assumed that he was dead and lived in the abandoned lab for years. Until one day he found a man in green armour come in and fix the old robot in one of the rooms learning his name in the process, Xisuma. He then used one of the only functioning computers in the building to contact Xisuma becoming friends and eventually he got excepted into hermitcraft. Eventually Doc, Mumbo and Biffa learn about their shared past and everything else s happy the end. THAT WAS A LONG ONE but will it work in hermitcraft 7? I don't know, Biffa is an important part of the au and who knows if he'll return. But if Biffa makes a comeback then the au will definitely work out

-Vine au (I never came up with a good name for this one, also it's my favourite one) so remember how in season 5 Bdubs got possessed by some vines and then everyone just forgot about it once the season ended. Wail this has to do with how Bdubs is coping with that. You see during season 5 Bdubs gets infected with a parasite that causes vines to grow on the person as they slowly get mind controlled and may die. Bdubs was kinda unaware of this but slowly learned about what was happening to him but it was too late and the rest of the N.H.O left Bdubs because of his behaviour wail under the vine's control. Bdubs starts getting nightmares about a bush version of him telling him that he is nothing and that he is in control. One night Bdubs has one of these nightmares but during it he gets pushed of a cliff by the bush Bdubs and wakes up in Keralis's bed. Keralis tells him that he found Bdubs passed out in his pool along with a bunch of vines, leaves, and flowers which is when Bdubs notices that he is free of the vines. After coughing up A LOT of vines into Keralis's sink we then see Bdubs coping with what happened and if he's ready to speak to Doc again. Alright I'll get this one out of the way this will not work in season 7 at all so don't get your hopes up.

-preschool au (it's exactly what you think) all of the hermits are in preschool and TFC is the teacher. Yes this au will work in season 7 just got to change up a few things and add in any new hermits.

That's all the au's I got but I have two WIP au's that I was working on

-this one is still in development and its basically a grian and the watchers au (except the watchers aren't dicks) I will post something about this au in the future but it's pretty far into development. This au could work in hermitcraft 7 but it will just be a continuation and will still heavily take place in season 6 so it works out

-now this one is EARLY into development it's and NPC Grian au. Basically NPG leaves his robot body one way or another (he is a demon after all) and starts possessing unsuspecting hermits. Because of how new this au is I think it could work in season 7 once I got a good idea of how I want to make it.

And that was 1548 words (not including these words) of stuff that doesn't matter

My thumbs hurt I don't know how to end this see you all in season 7

Let's hope pewdepie doesn't join

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