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Monroe's pov

"Cap, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal," I clarify as Nat and Rogers turn their head over to it.

"The biggest guns couldn't touch it."

"Well, maybe it's not about guns," Nat suggests as she holds one of the chitauri's staff. I look over at Cap and nod in understanding as if we all had the same idea.

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride."

"I got a ride," she confirms dropping the weapon. "I could use a boost though."

"Are you sure about this?" I ask with concern. Cap backs up with his shield ready to boost her jump.

"Yeah, it'll be fun. Wouldn't hurt to slow one down a little."

"On it." 

I stand by, calculating which alien would be her target. The second she pushed herself to run, I latched on to one of the chitauri with energy and worked against its speed.  As it continued to move forward, I pushed back to slow it down. In perfect timing, she had lept in the air and grabbed onto the end of the flying chariot. Cap and I watched her send off before the remaining chitauri on the ground had begun to shoot at us. All at once, they had come from every direction to try and take us down.

Time Skip

"Captain, the bank on 42nd past Madison. They caught a lot of civilians there," Barton informs.

"I'm on it."

"Mind if I join," I followed Cap to a cracked window of the bank. He rolled in, throwing his shield as I shielded him from the beams. Cap knocked down two chitauri kicking the table before him. Rushing to them, he continued his fight toward one of the chitauri that was still standing. Another came up behind, wrapping their arms around me nearly flipping me over. I threw my head back causing a headbutt. One was smart enough to grab my hair, pulling me over the balcony.  Before making an impact, I was able to grab onto the rail and pull the alien over the edge with me. Once we hit the ground, I paralyzed his movements and looked around for any sharp objects. I curled my fingers, bringing the broken table legs from the second floor down to every limb on the alien's body. The crowd below grew squeamish and looked back up at a small explosion that had thrown Cap outside from the force of the explosion. 

I kicked open a door for the civilians to run out as the authorities took care of the rest. I ran to Rogers, helping him off the smashed car he landed on. Before I could say a word, I felt every inch of my body telling me to find Tony. I could feel him. I began to see snippets of chitauri beginning to surround him as he failed to stand. I sprinted my way through the streets until I caught that flash of red and gold. I knew then that I had found the billionaire. Seeing as he could barely pick himself up, I picked off each alien until one grew defensive. They screamed right into my face to set dominance, but I roared back while shoving them all back with an eruption of energy. This caught the attention of more chitauri as they began to huddle around us. My defensive state switched to a panicked one. I formed a forcefield around Tony and me as the chitauri began to attack. I turned back to Stark with worry written all over my face. 

"Jess, there's a missile heading straight for us. You have to take this shield down so I can stop it."

"I'm coming with you"

"No. Stay down here, keep everyone safe."

It took me a moment to let my guard down, letting the forcefield disintegrate. As soon as there was an opening, Tony left. The chitauri attacked, left and right. It got harder to fight them alone, but I wasn't giving up any time soon. I knew the rest of the team hadn't either.

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