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"Ultron knows we're coming. Odds are we'll be riding into heavy fire. That's what we signed up for. The people of Sokovia, they didn't. So our priority is getting them out. All they want is to live in peace, but that's not gonna happen today. What we can do is our best to protect them. We can get the job done. Find out what Ultron's been building. We find Romanoff and we clear the field. Keep the fight between us. Ultron thinks we're monsters, that we're what's wrong with the world. This isn't just about beating him. It's about whether he's right."

Monroe's pov

Maximoff and I used our mind compulsion to gather as many civilians as we could to evacuate the area. For a while, it had been working, until some of Ultron's minions came up from the ground and began flying in every direction. People had begun panicking, making it harder to keep our focus.

"Get off the bridge," I ordered as I helped people rush over. Maximoff held up a forcefield and turned back to order more civilians. With her head turned, she was knocked over from a blast. I threw up my hands and curled my fingers. The robots ahead slowly crushed within themselves until they were destroyed. Barton found us, helping the Maximoff up on her feet. Just as she composed herself, the ground suddenly began to rumble. It was as if the streets were collapsing. Explosions came from underneath the ground but only from the borders of Sokovia. I man hopped over to the steady ground as I looked over the edge and noticed the city itself was rising. I looked down at the confused crowd as they watched us lift off into the air.

"Do you see... the beauty of it?" Ultron's voiced echoed in the air. "The inevitability. You rise, only to fall." A flash of red and gold sparkled near the surface. Although the mask was covering his face, I knew Tony and I had the same look of distress. "You, Avengers, you are my meteor. My swift and terrible sword. And the earth will crack with the weight of your failure." I looked back at Barton and Wanda, the girl was frightened. She looked over to me, sending a look of guilt.

'I'm sorry...'

My eyes saddened at the mere apology she sent. Clint shot an arrow to one of the hovering robots hoping to turn it off, but another appeared behind it.

"Purge me from your computers, turn my own flesh against me. It means nothing. When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world will be metal." At his Ultron's closing line, I couldn't help but growl with sharp fangs poking from the top and bottom.

"Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down to safety," Cap ordered. "The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt em' back. You get killed, walk it off."

"Stay with the girl, keep her focused, "I shouted from where I was standing.

"Where the hell are you going?" Barton grew curious.

"I'm gonna do what I do best." I took this as my cue to shift. 'Attack'

Barton and Wanda watched as I ran off. There were so many people scattered, but I caught an eye on an incoming toward a mother and her child. I leaped in the air, catching the head with my fangs and crushing it between my teeth. As I ripped the bot to shreds, the woman screamed in terror. After spitting out the damaged parts, I rushed off to snatch as many people as I could. Yanking them over to straddle me until I got them to safety. With nowhere to go but down, I had to bring them to Stark to fly them back to the earth's surface. I found myself near Wanda and Barton once again, nearly getting blown to bits. I lunged toward them, biting onto their clothing and crashing into an empty, abandoned building.

"How could I let this happen?" The telepath began mumbling. "This is all our fault."

"I got this," Barton reassured. I ran off to find anyone who needed help. I reached the edge of the city where a bridge had been torn from its other half. Screaming came from the dangling car that Steve had tried to hold up. I sped through the abandoned cars but wasn't fast enough. The bumper had broken off, the woman plummeted. This made me stop in my tracks knowing exactly how that would end. Before my thoughts invaded my mind, Steve climbed down to thang from the edge. Seconds later, I noticed the woman had been thrown back up. Without question, I continued to head over. Once at the brink of the collapsed bridge, the woman climbed over Cap as he pushed her up. I grabbed onto her sleeve, securing her safety.

"You can't save them all." A bot snuck up behind us. I immediately stood protectively in front of the woman and snapped my teeth at the android. "You'll never-" Before I could lunge at the bot, Cap's shield smacked right into it. Like a frisbee, I held the disc between my teeth and threw it. With the captain catching the field on his sleeve, the bot flew over the edge to its end.

"You'll never what? You didn't finish!" Steve yelled down rhetorically. A car crashed behind us with Thor landing above it. "What, were you napping?"

The two ran off as a man practically fell off the seat of the car, barely missing my paws with his vomit. I lifted my paw in disgust as his eyes scanned me in fear.

'Sleep' I pushed in his mind. The man's face was planted in his own vomit. I whimpered in disgust having to have witnessed that.

Time Skip

"Alright, we're all clear here," Barton informs through the comms.

"We are not clear. We are very not clear!" Steve clarifies through grunts.

"Alright, coming to you."

That was the confirmation I needed to find Nat. Steve had Barton and the twins had each other. I needed to know she was okay. No one had gotten word since Banner went to play the hero.

'Nat!' I called out to her in thought. She ducked before I jumped over her, pinning a bot. Tearing the head from its body, then sending a sonic boom of plasmic energy with one powerful bark. The bots imploded, oils flying to our faces. I nuzzled my snout toward her happily knowing she had been freed.

"I missed you too," she declared while scratching the back of my ear. That's when my attention was caught elsewhere. Cap's thoughts.

'The next wave is gonna hit any minute'

"What do you got, Stark?"

"Nothing great."

Nat and I shared a look with her hand placed on her ear. I used my heightened senses to listen in on Nat's comm. We'd hoped there'd be good news on how to save the city but instead were fed with terrifying information.

"Maybe a way to blow up the city," Tony continued. "That'll keep it from impacting the surface if you guys can get clear." I heard the sorrow in his voice. This is exactly what he wanted to prevent. He didn't just want to save the world, he wanted to save the team. Whether he admits it or not, we're the closest thing he has family.

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan."

"Impact radius is getting bigger every second. We're gonna have to make a choice."

While wandering around, we bumped into Steve. I whimpered at Nat's joined statement, "Cap, these people are going nowhere. If Stark finds a way to blow this rock..."

"Not till everyone's safe."

"Everyone up here versus everyone down there? There's no math there."

"I'm not leaving this rock with one civilian on it."

"I didn't say we should leave." I turned to Nat, knowing the choice we were all about to make. "There are worse ways to go," she half-joked. "Where else am I gonna get a view like this?"

I walked forward until I was at the rims of the flying city. Letting the air flow through my fur, sniffing it. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, taking it all in. That's when I felt it. 

"Glad you like the view, Romanoff." I turned after hearing that familiar voice through their earpiece.

"It's about to get better"

Heroes Are Made | A Tony Stark series (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now