Our Future

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Monroe's POV

Tony and I had arrived at the New Avengers Facility in Upstate New York. Just as I walked into the building, my phone buzzed in my pocket. I took a look at the video Laura had sent me and assumingly so, Nat. Their baby boy is adorable. They've even included the name of the Maximoff who saved Barton's life. Looking up from my screen, Tony had already walked off. Probably to say his farewell to the boys. Meanwhile, I went to look for Nat. 

"No matter who wins or loses, trouble still comes around," Fury spoke as he walked past me. 

"What did I miss?" I made my way to Nat noticing her sorrowful expression.

"Nothing. Just Fury being..."

"Himself?" I rested my hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry about- you know."

"Yeah... you should say your goodbyes to the boys before it's too late."

"I'm here for you, Nat." With that, I pulled her in for a hug. 


"Besides this one," Thor pats Tony, "there's nothing that can't be explained."

"Don't I know it," I catch up just before Thor takes off. Tony wraps an arm around me, placing a light peck on my temple. We watch Thor lift his hammer and teleporting back to- what the hell kind of mark did he leave on the grass?

"That man has NO regard for lawn maintenance," Stark speaks my thoughts.

"You're gonna miss him though. We all are," I imply.

"There's gonna be a lot of manful tears."

I roll my eyes at his comment. Steve followed us both as we walked to the road, waiting for our car to park itself right before us.

"I will miss you, Tony. Jess," The captain reassures. 

"Yeah? Well, it's time for me to tap out," I furrowed my eyebrows, glancing over at Tony. "Maybe I should take a page out of Barton's book."

"What? Build me a farm and hope nobody blows it up?" I throw out sarcastically.

"The simple life," Steve adds.

"You'll get there one day."

"I don't know. Family. Stability. The guy who wanted all that went in the ice seventy-five years ago."

I walked around to the other side of the car to hop on. Just before I did, I called out to the captain. "Take care of Nat for me. Please."

I received a nod in response with Tony now sitting in the driver's seat. 

"You know I'd never ask you to stop, Tony. When you're ready to settle down. To leave the endless possibilities in their hands. You know it'll be safe there." 

Tony presses his foot on the gas pedal to finally drive off.

"When it's a guarantee what we saw- what I saw will never come to a reality. When their blood isn't on my hands. When our future isn't compromised by it, I'll be ready," The billionaire clarifies while never taking his eyes off the road.

"I know. I'm with you every step of the way."

I shift my gaze out the window, rolling it down to get a taste of fresh air. As the wind brushed through my hair, I let my thoughts wander around my mind. Tony is going to take every precaution he can to make sure that vision never happens to any of us. To take it up a notch, I still have to figure out what mine means... 

Ironically, Vision has and will be a great addition to the team. I hope the new recruits will be ready for anything and are willing to do whatever it takes. I'm confident that Nat and Rogers can beat them into shape. And when they need us most...

We'll be there.

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