The Awakening

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AN: For those who are new: "this is dialogue" and 'this is telepathic dialouge'.


The tesseract has awakened. It is on a little world. A human world. They would wield its power... But our ally knows its workings as they never will. He is ready to lead. And our force, our Chitauri, will follow. The world will be his. The universe yours. And the humans, what can they do but burn?

Monroe's pov

My eyes shot open with a thin layer of sweat covering my body. I stood up and headed for the kitchen, careful not to wake Tony. I grabbed a glass of water to cool myself down before making my way back to the bedroom. I started to feel my fangs start to poke at my lips, baring. I changed direction from the bed and headed to the bathroom. I quietly shut the door and placed my hands flat on the sink. Looking in the mirror, I noticed my eyes glowing. 

"Come on, Jess. Show me everything." I whispered to myself. My eyes shined brighter as short visions appeared. First shown was a cube-shaped object with burning blue flames inside. This quickly transitioned to a horned shadowy figure holding a scepter with a blue gem at the center of its silver blades. The last thing I saw was an alien ripping off its mask before I jumped back into the wall from its roar. I slowly looked back up in the mirror, growling lowly. For a second it seemed I was staring at the man who wore the horned helmet as he stared back at me. A knock on the door startled me, causing me to look away. 

"Jess? You doing okay?" Tony's raspy voice made itself known. Unsure myself, I looked back in the mirror only to find my reflection. I brushed it off and opened the door to find a very exhausted looking Stark standing before me.

"I'm fine," I smiled. "Just a nightmare. Didn't mean to wake you." 

"Hey," Tony lightly grabbed my arm to stop me from walking past him. "What's going on?"

"I think someone is coming."

A day later...

"You're good to go on this end. The rest is up to you." Tony spoke on line.

"You disconnected the transmission lines? Are we off the grid?" I asked making sure he placed the energy reactor on the pipe. 

"Stark Tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy."

"Well, assuming the arc reactor takes over and actually works?"

"I assume. Light her up."

With Tony's command, I switch on the building's power through the holographic monitors. 

"How does it look?"

"Like Christmas, but with more... me." I roll my eyes at his egotistical response. 

"Now that the easy work is done. Agent Coulson just called. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been nice enough to go easy with the missions so I could stay home with you, but-"

"Jess, you're killing me. The moment. Remember? Enjoy it." Tony interrupts.

"Get in here and I will."

The call ended, so I had taken out my earpiece. I looked closely at the monitors, scanning the functionality of the reactor device. I heard Jarvis inform Tony about Coulson's call, but he kept rejecting it.

"...I got a date," were the last words I heard before I actually saw the billionaire walk toward me.

"Levels are holding steady... I think." I announced.

"Of course they are, I was directly involved. Which brings me to my next question, how does it feel to be a genius?"

"Well, ha, I really wouldn't know would I?"

"What do you mean? All of this..."  Tony states, referring to the building "...came from you."

"No. All of this came from that." I pointed to the arc reactor placed in his chest.

"Give yourself some credit, please. Stark Tower is your baby. Give yourself... twelve percent of the credit."

"Twelve percent?"

"An argument can be made for fifteen."

"Twelve percent of my baby?" I argued, walking over to the lounge area ready for our date. As Tony tried justifying his rights to the bigger half, I poured our champagne as we sat comfortably. As our playful banter ended, Jarvis piped up once again.

"Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten."

"Stark, we need to talk," Coulson speaks as an image of him appears on Stark's phone. 

'I tried to tell you'

"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message."

"This is urgent," Coulson tried.

"Then leave it urgently."

Just as Tony hung up, the elevators opened. Coulson walked through them calling for the billionaire.

"Phil, come in." I greeted.

"Phil? Uh, his first name is agent," Tony corrected.

"We need you to look this over." Coulson shoves a device toward Tony.

"I don't like being handed things..."

"That's fine because I love to be handed things." I swapped the device in Coulson's hands for my glass of champagne and made harsh eye contact with Tony. Watching a flash of blue flow in his eyes allowed me to manipulate my next move. "So, let's trade." Unaware, Tony grabs the device in my hands as I grab the glass in his. After doing so, he takes a glance at my dimming eyes and realized what I had just done. He turns to Phil with a deep exhale. 

"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday," Stark informs.

"This isn't a consultation." 

"This is about the Avengers..." I finish for Coulson. He gave a look, knowing I was just inside his head. "Sorry. Wait, but the Initiative was scrapped."

"Yeah, and I didn't even qualify, I thought. Apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others." Tony sounded pretty sarcastic, but really they're all correct.

"This isn't about personality profiles anymore," Coulson declares.

"Whatever. Jess, got a second?"

I walk over to Stark, the cool floor touching the souls of my feet.

"You know, I thought we were having a moment." Tony starts.

"I was having twelve percent of the moment," I smirk but regain composure. "Tony this is serious. Phil asked me to come in too and he seems pretty shaken up."

"How did you know? Why is he Phil?"

"I'm both a mind reader and a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. What's on it?" I nod to the device.

"This us uhh..." Different holographic profiles appeared, floating in front of us both with one motion. "...this."

One of the profiles seemed familiar. I read a name. Loki. Sudden flashes of the same visions from the night before hit me. 

"Tony..." I stared blankly at the holographic tesseract.

It's him. Loki is coming.

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