"You could've saved us..."

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Monroe's pov

Stirring in my sleep, I reach out to emptiness beside me. My eyes open to confirm that Tony wasn't in bed. I pull the sheets over my bare body as I sit up and close my eyes to take in the memory of last night. I balled up my fists, trapping the sheets beneath me as the faint sound of his breathing aired through my mind, getting heavier as we both reached our highs. He was gentle, yet performed with the right amount of aggression. I lightly brushed my fingertips against my lips, remembering his chaste kisses. My current breathing started to pick up just thinking about it. That's when I caught his scent. My eyes shot open to see Tony himself leaning on the door frame.

"Miss me already?" the billionaire shares a smirk with crossed arms.

"Maybe..." I respond with a playful tone in my voice. Tony walks over to me and leans down to my level, giving a peck to my forehead.

"Breakfast is ready if you're up for it."

My moment of bliss was replaced by a shocked expression.

"You cooked? You...? Mr. I just sit there and look pretty." I smiled half-jokingly.

"Okay, first of all. I can make... a few things. However, for the sake of not burning down our only form of shelter at the moment and current running company, I ordered in pancakes."

"Wow, so you made the effort to dial some numbers and have our food brought here just for me?" I asked rather sarcastically.

"Well, I may have had Happy do it, but it was my idea."

"Very thoughtful, Mr. Stark" I state while pulling him in for another quick peck before getting up. Dragging the sheets with me, I walked toward his closet to steal one of his button-up shirts to cover my naked form. Sliding my arm through the sleeves, I walk over to the glass planes. Appreciating the city of New York. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist as he started to nip at my neck. It tickled ever so slightly, but still with a hint of pleasure.

"It's beautiful isn't it? The view."

Tony paused his actions for just a moment. I can feel his chin rest on my shoulder as he looks up.


It wasn't until I caught his reflection staring back at me, that I realized he wasn't talking about the city. I bit my lip and spun around to face him.

"Promise me this is forever," I smiled in excitement. I felt a shiver run up my spine as I caught his eyes glance at my lips.

"I promise." I could feel him lean in for another kiss, so I did the same. Yet, teasingly I pulled away.

"As much as I'd love to continue our fun, Mr. Stark, I'm starving." I broke free and walked out to the kitchen where the food awaited. It took a moment before Tony came to join me. Unfortunately for him, I had come up with a plan. I hid my hands behind my back as he slowly backed me into the island of the kitchen.

"Whatcha got there, hun?"

"Nothing..." the lie flows gracefully as he gets closer. I continued my charade until he was close enough for me to spray a can of whipped cream all over his face. Before I could escape, he grabbed me from behind, spinning us both in a circle and showering me with kisses, leaving some cream on my face in turn. I licked some off his nose, causing him to scrunch up. Absolutely adorable. Once the laughter died down, we cleaned our faces and finally dug into our forever waiting pancakes. We both stood by the counter, never taking the time to sit down, eating. We enjoyed our time with comfortable silence. We needed this break, for us, for the new tower to be rebuilt. I'm glad he's been able to smile brighter these days, I just hope it never fades.

Heroes Are Made | A Tony Stark series (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now