Boy Genius

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Monroe's pov

So here I am, sitting on the couch with the one and only 'boy genius'. It's actually quite funny seeing his panicked expression trying to read my mind. Ironic. I knew someday I'd get myself into this situation, but I just never prepared for it. I move my gaze from Tony's eyes to my thumbs. I've been toying with them to calm my nerves.

"I know I haven't exactly answered any questions about... what I can do. It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that it can get complicated."

"Jess, I think I know a thing or two about complicated. Tell me what's going on," Tony insisted.

"Actually... it'd be better if I show you."

Stark's expression changed to a confused one. I smiled at his adorable puppy eyes, but I began to lean in. Slowly placing my hand on his cheek, inching closer. Darting my eyes to his soft lips then back up to his eyes. Focusing, watching them turn the same shade of blue as mine. Once the infamous glow began, I went for it. Our lips moved in sync, slow but wanting. My hand moved around the back of his neck to intertwine with his hair. Pulling him closer. Tony's hand grabbed my hips and lifted me to straddle him. The kiss grew deeper, but I kept my focus. With all the adrenaline, I push in what some would call a memory. A legacy. A tragedy, but not so tragic after all. The kiss never stops, but the vision began to play in his head.

The first thing I chose to reveal was the wipeout I created to escape the facility I was held captive in. I didn't kill anyone, but it was enough to open doors and knock down walls. That was my first attempt, but because I didn't know how to control it, they found me anyway. My second attempt was the next memory. Thought that if I took advantage of my wolf side, I'd get away. But I grew distracted when I was almost hit by some innocent drivers. Jumping out of the way, some of the men stunned me from behind the trees. Once I woke up, I had chains around my neck, wrists, and ankles. They treated me like some wild animal, even at the sight of my human form. Untamed. I always got punishments, but regardless I was trained. Given more power, more injections. My well being was only important to keep me alive for more testing. His words haunt me to this day.

'Don't you see... all this time we've been building it for you.'

Tony's hands gripped tighter at my waist as his lips trailed to my neck. Almost like a movie, the memories continued to flow. The moments of bliss I had with Tony. Knowing I was built to protect him. My torturer may have had other intentions, to make me a weapon. But I understood now, it was all meant to happen. I was made powerful to protect the ones I loved. That puts Tony at the top of the list. My origin may have caused me pain, emotionally and physically, but had it not been for my past, I would've never met the billionaire. But I never considered the consequences to come. I gripped at Tony's shirt as all the flashbacks of his near-death experiences began. Internally, my screams were heard as I felt all the pain Tony had ever experienced. Witnessing the horror he's been through. My fangs bared at the memory of nearly losing him. Tony began to place light kisses on my chest just before it curves, causing me to throw my head back.

'All that work. All that pain.'

I knew Tony could feel now what I felt then. By sharing my memories, he's able to see it all.

'All of it. For you.'

The plan was to get me to heal their pain by transferring it to myself. All the work the man had done just to claim it helped me. Practically immortal, but not. It failed, I could only feel the pain of those I had an intimate connection. I could even take it in as my own, but temporarily. My wolf side couldn't give up its loyalty, it's in our blood. I could absorb only so much with distance, making it torture if we're ever apart. However, it does help as an indicator that they're alive as it did for Tony. Once the painful memories faded, I locked eyes with the billionaire. His eyes still glowing as mine were.

'I just finally know what I have to do... and I know in my heart that it's right'

His own words played in his head. I needed him to hear it as reassurance. Grabbing one of his hands, I lightly dragged it up from my abdomen until I got to my chest. I wanted him to feel my heartbeat. The love and passion I hold for him. His vulnerability is so sacred, and he shares it with me. And right now, with him, I couldn't be happier to have his trust. His heart. Just like that, the vision ended. His eye originated back to their brown orbs as mine dimmed.

"I know you have trouble getting personal sometimes, and I'd never push you to. But I want you to know how much I love you. I'd take all your pain in a heartbeat if it meant that you got to live. Even if I lost my life in return."


"I know. I'd feel the same if I had to live without you. I've bottled up my feelings for you until we both had our last straw. That kiss on the rooftop was... unexpected, but it worked out. But you should know that being with someone like me comes with some rather interesting... lifestyle choices."

"Let's hear it," it's like he's not phased.

"My senses and emotions are already heightened as is, making me stronger in some ways more than others. I'd like to think that majority of the time it helps me protect those I care about. You see when Phil..." I had lost my trail of thought at his name but regained focus. "When S.H.I.E.L.D took me in, I built a family. Tasha, Fury... Coulson..." I trailed off as I brought my head down where our hands now intertwined. "My mother always told me that us wolves are bound to each other by blood. When I lost my parents, I felt completely and utterly alone. But S.H.I.E.L.D helped me get through it. I knew then, that it was more than just blood relation."

My eyes lit up as I told my story to the only man I trusted to full carry it.

"A bond formed with someone like me... it's rare, but I adapted to the life I grew up in. This brings me to the elephant in the room. Primal instinct. I'm sure you've heard the story time and time again, but there's always one bond that forms stronger than any other. When I met you, believe me, you were the last person I would've thought of to be it," I laughed out. Embarrassed, I hid my head in the crook of Tony's neck until I was able to keep a straight face. "But you grew on me, Tony. I knew the first night you opened up to me that we were able to be more. And I wanted to. I wanted you."

"I'm yours," he submitted.

"It's a little more complicated than that," I explained. "Claiming you can build stronger... sexual tension. My heat will give off pheromones which can also impact your... sex drive."

"I don't see the problem in that," Tony states with a smug look on his face. Rolling my eyes I reassure him.

"It's all fun and games until the pains come in. This is all biological so in order to stop it..."

Tony waits for a response until he realizes he's the genius he is. Offspring.

"Uh huh..." he ponders for a moment, only for him to raise his eyebrow. "So no sex?"

"Sex is still an option Tony," I laugh displaying and licking my sharp fangs in a teasing manner. "Just don't leave me," I stated softly.


 It's easier said than done. Tony pulls me into a needy kiss with me smiling into it. His scent drives me crazy. I begin to playfully grind, a moan escaping my lips. He takes this opportunity to slide his tongue in and graze his fingers down to the waistline of my jeans. His lips never leaving mine. Now, this...

This is a treat ;)

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