Rising Heat

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"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or I was a-dream. There was this terrible noise. And I was tangled in... in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy."

Monroe's pov

"You killed someone?" I interrogated the buggy suit.

"Wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world, we're faced with ugly choices."

"Who sent you?" Thor tried. We all stood our ground, careful not to approach the robot incorrectly. My heart dropped when a recording of Tony's voice played from the suit.

"I see a suit of armor around the world."

Being the furthest to the front, I looked back at Tony with furrowed eyebrows.


"Ultron." Banner clarified. I glanced at the doctor, then back to the living suit.

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this chrysalis." The suit inspected itself.

'Tony, what did you do...' My question was more so rhetorical. I didn't expect him to open his thoughts to me just yet, but we're having a talk later. I hid my hands behind my back, building up energy. Undoubtedly, everyone else was also ready to fight.

"I'm on a mission."

"What mission?" Romanoff pried.

"Peace in our time."

More malfunctioned robots crashed through the wall. Revealing my hands, blue energy coursed through the suits as I pushed my arms out. A few of them ripped apart as more came lunging toward us.

3rd person's pov

Steve kicked up a table to defend himself from the flying enemies, knocking himself over from the impact. Hill ducked, aiming from the ground and shot at the suits. In a swift motion, Thor swings his hammer, crushing one of the robots charging at him. Stark and Rhodey were headed to get their suits until one was pushed over into a nearby shelf.

Monroe's pov

Rushing over to Tony, I waved my hands around, throwing the suits in different directions thus destroying them.

'Jess, I need you to get me up there'

With no response, Tony began to run up the stairs. I used energy to lift him over one of the suits as he held onto it. As soon as he had his grip, I made sure to shield Nat and Banner to prevent an uncalled code green. I noticed half a suit come back to life, heading for Dr. Cho. I dropped down behind it, I grabbed the suit and threw it toward the god of thunder.

"Thor!" I called. He jumped out, smashing the robot with his hammer. I looked back over at Tony who was still toying with a malfunctioning suit. C'mon Tony... As if on cue, he punctured the flying robot and fell with it. I slowed him down before impact as Cap's shield flew by me, hitting the last one. Unknowingly, the device on my neck had fallen off. The heat within me began to rise. I ignored the pain developing in my abdomen as I focused on the situation.

"That was dramatic," Ultron continued. "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change."

I quietly dropped to my knees, holding where the pain was increasing. I brought my hand to my neck, but I felt nothing. The shield must have picked it off, luckily missing my head. I clenched my teeth, trying to hold in the grunts.


She slowly turned to look at me, locking eye contact. I held up my hair, revealing my bare neck.

'Where is it'

'I don't know...'

"How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to evolve?"

Ultron's words stole my attention, however, I still crouched down in pain. I couldn't hear her thoughts anymore. My head was filled with the scent of the billionaire, stronger than ever. Focus, Jess.

"With these? These puppets." Ultron picked up one of the broken suits, crushing its head. "There's only one path to peace. The Avengers' extinction." Thor threw his hammer, killing the talking machine. The eerie voice continued, reciting a well-known line, "I had no strings, but now I'm free."

Silence quickly took over, until I broke it with my screams. Everyone turned their heads in my direction. My hair was now damp from the effort of holding back. Nat and Tony rushed over and brought themselves to my level.

"Jess... calm down, okay? Breathe." Nat reassured. The others watched, not knowing how to help.

"I can't take it. There's too much pain." I quietly spoke through my teeth.

"What's happening to her?" Tony questioned worriedly. Nat looked around at the others, then back at Tony. "Romanoff?!"

"Show him..." Nat ordered. I had no choice. I grabbed his arm rather tightly and let the pheromones transfer through the energy I now had coursing through his veins. Nat watched his eyes flash bright blue as the realization hit. I felt him stiffen immediately, knowing he could feel it too now. He brought his eyes back to Nat. "You need to take care of her. Now."

Tony wrapped his arms underneath my legs and back, carrying me bridal style. He rushed us to the elevator so we could get some privacy upstairs.

Time Skip

"We're definitely doing this again; for the greater good of course." Tony chuckled as he raked his fingers through my hair. I absolutely dread the timing, but without that device injecting a temporary antidote, intimacy is the last resort.

"I promise not to hold back next time," I reassured with a smile. The adrenaline I felt before had been replaced with serenity. It wasn't until I remembered how we got here that I jumped up to a sitting position. "The team..."

"Right." Tony sat up just as quickly as I did. He snuck a peck to my lips before we both rushed off the bed to make ourselves presentable. Remembering the events of earlier's chaos, I grew curious.

"Hey, Tony? Why didn't you tell me? About... Ultron?" He froze for a second, making eye contact with me through the mirror on the wall. Turning to me, a sad smile was left on his face. It's as if all the happiness from just seconds ago had disappeared. I could feel his anxiety creeping up on him once again.

"I wanted to figure it out first before I showed any of you. I needed to perfect it before I put it into play."

"I would've supported you."

"I know... but you saw what happened down there. I still think there's a chance to improve. You really think they approve after that?"

"Since when do you seek approval?"

"I don't, but I couldn't have anyone get in the way."

I furrowed my eyebrows. The way Tony phrased his words worried me.

"Or what...?" I searched his face for any tells, but his hesitation gave me the time to pry at his thoughts. I found the answer I needed. Tony would've stood his ground.

The Avengers would break apart...

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