Our War

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Monroe's pov

"Stay with Banner. Guard the jet," Cap ordered.

As the team left to sneak in one of the ships, I created a forcefield around the ship as Banner and I watched from afar.

"I build one murder bot with your boyfriend and now I need a babysitter," Banner started.

"Hey, it's not like that. I'm pretty sure you're not the one they lost faith in."

"Right. Cause Tony is the irresponsible one. I helped create it, Jess."

"True, but unlike Tony, you're reliable. Tony bends the rules and apparently I'm the only one who can keep him in check... sometimes. Don't read too much into it."

"It's hard not to."

"I know," I sympathized. A smirk began to form on my face as I thought of a distraction. "So you and Nat?"

"Oh no, not you too."

"Come on, if the whole team can see it, don't you think she can too."

"It wouldn't work out. I've got a temper, remember?"

"Oh please, like she hasn't noticed. She still eyes you from time to time. Just give yourself a chance." My comment about Nat's eye glances at the doctor led to a bright smile on his side. That's when the ruckus was heard from the comms. I narrowed my eyes, catching Ultron flying out with Stark close behind. "We can't let him get away again."

I listened from afar, hoping Ultron didn't slip through the billionaire's fingers. I focused my enhanced hearing.

"Ah- the vibranium is getting away," Ultron warned.

"And you're not going anywhere," Tony aimed, hearing Ultron out.

"Of course not. I'm already there. You'll catch on, but first, you might need to catch Dr. Banner."

Huh? Before I could register what he said, my head exploded with pain. It lasted enough for the twins to get close and make Banner lose control. When the pain stopped, I turned back to Banner who was nowhere to be seen. Taking back my strength, I glared at the mind-controlling witch. She tried getting into my head, but instead, eerie static blasted loudly in my head. Clutching at my head, I looked up noticing she had done the same. The other enhanced appeared out of nowhere, crouching down to check on his sibling.

"What did you do?" he blamed.

"Me?!" I narrowed my eyes at them both. "Are you crazy?! Unleashing the Hulk into a city of innocent people?" I gestured over to the building in which a loud roar had echoed out.

'The rest of the team is down, I need you... NOW' I heard as I searched for thoughts. Tony and I were the only capable right now.

"Your war is with us, not the people," Watching the twin's expressions drop to a guilty one was all the reassurance I needed that they would stay out of the way for now. I could tell they didn't mean to go this far, but they did and now hundreds are going to pay for that.

'You're gonna have to show your fangs for this one'

I quickly turned to the long-empty meadow toward the city and leaped off, feeling the tall grass brush along my fur after I had shifted. I tried looking for any sign of Banner, or more so, the Hulk. Luckily, Stark was easier to spot in the air, along with tech flying down to where I assume the chaos is taking place. The authorities were already involved. Do they not know when they're out of their league? I noticed flying bullets and a roaring green giant. He lunged at the policeman who had been firing at him, but I landed before him and roared back. Before the Hulk could make an attack at the challenge, heavy metal parts began to surround him like a cage. I turned and looked up at the red and gold suit hovering above. I lowered my head to the police as though not to frighten them and sent thoughts through their heads.

'I know this all seems a little crazy, but you're gonna have to trust me; don't shoot'

Guns were shoved in my face as I tried to convince them I wasn't the enemy. Eventually, they stepped far too close for my comfort. One last shove and I growled impatiently. They took a few steps back, intimidated by my form. I stood tall with bared fangs as a final warning, but then the ground beneath us began to shake, cracking the surface beneath us. The cage sinked down below, my eyes widening at the sight. I began lightly shoving the armed men back with my snout.

The Hulk suddenly burst out from under the ground in a different area, free of his cage. The policemen took cover behind crashed vehicles as civilians stared in shock. I snuck around crashed vehicles, quietly trying to get people out of the way.

"Will you listen to me?" Stark called out. "That little witch is messing with your mind. You're stronger than her. You're smarter than her. You're Bruce Banner."

My ears perked up at the name he chose to use. Big mistake. The Hulk roared as he lifted some random vehicle and threw it toward Stark. I used the force of all four paws and lunged toward the green giant, knocking him over as I sunk my fangs in. I dragged him by the leg, trying to get him closer to Tony to deal with, but he waved me around until I lost my grip. Tony flew right in with Veronica, slamming the Hulk onto the ground trying to knock him out, but was immediately kicked off. Before the Hulk could throw another punch, I ran up and caught his fist in my jaw. The Hulk's attention was on me until Tony repaired himself. Pulling at his arm, I flipped the green giant over me, my eyes flashing an ocean blue once he's plummeted to the ground. I got into Banner's head, trying to undo whatever the other telepath had done. He shook his head from the mind-warping but was too far in for me to fix. He glared at me, seemingly angrier than before. The monster began to chase me. I turned on my paws very quickly and tried to avoid anyone around. I looked back as I ran, he was getting closer. I felt a tightness in my chest. Fear and panic. My tail was nearly snatched when Tony swung at the Hulk.

Both of their fists met, creating a shock wave from the impact. I surrounded them in their own spheric shield so that no one else was affected. I watched as "Veronica" punched repeatedly at the Hulk, not making any progress. Banner caught the final punch but was locked in with the suit. I stood on my fours as Tony dragged him away not so successfully. I chased after them, jumping through windows and levels until I was finally caught up. As the two wrestled each other, an elevator opened with a few people walking out. I jumped to place myself between them and the fight, but they both crashed into me. I was sent back with the elevator as it fell off the edge. I shook off the pain and trapped the wire between my teeth, catching the elevator before it hit. The elevator was heavy and my paws were sliding off the edge, but I used every force in me to pull back. My jaw was clenched tightly as Tony demanded them to get out. The wire was grabbed from me, allowing me to relax.

I climbed down, careful not to trample on any civilians. My ribcage had fresh wounds that I'm just now starting to feel. I just stared up at the sky where Tony Stark had taken the fight. I just stood there, helpless. Minutes passed before I couldn't hear anymore crashing. Stark and Banner must've had found a new area to finish their match. The ground trembled as I perked up my ears to a huge rumbling sound. Something big must've happened, but It's quiet now. I ran off to search for the two but found a destroyed construction site instead. 

I dug through the gravel until I was able to find a sign of life. I jolted back when the Hulk busted through. I lowered my defense as his eyes softened. It must've been the people screaming in terror that brought him back for just a second. However, officers began to line up behind me, causing Banner to retreat. As soon as I felt a mood shift, I prepared to lunge. I expected to have my jaw meet with any green flesh.

Instead, I was met by darkness...

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