New Beginning

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Monroe's pov

It seemed like everyone disappeared, including Killian. Considering the shots being fired, they must've figured Tony out. The guys who were supposed to be guarding me became my chew toys. Biting off the head from one and throwing the body against a wall where it impaled itself. The other guard used their glowing arm to try and burn through me, but seeing as Killian's little experiment worked on me, no harm was done. The glow dimmed as he backed away in fear. I licked the points of my fangs, ready to kill. Before I could lunge forward, explosions took place and distracted me. The guard escaped before I could sink my teeth in. I took a sudden blow to the head, knocking me out instantly.

Fight or flight kicked in as I woke up to almost having my head cut off. I lifted my arm up, stopping the sharp object in place. The small blackout I had must've shifted me back. Everything pulled on top of me began to move, making it harder for me to hold. That's when I noticed him.

"Stop!" I yelled at Tony. He was trying to set me free, but one wrong move and I could be killed. "Put it down." Once he set everything down, Tony lifted his mask.

"See what happens when I hang out with my ex-girlfriends?"

"You're such a jerk."

"Yeah, we'll talk about it over dinner." He reaches out for me to take his hand.

"Shut up," I chuckled as I tried to take hold of the metal arm.

"Come on. A little more, baby."

I barely made contact when an arm jumped out from under Tony, slowly crushing the reactor of the suit. Tony was thrown back and pinned.

"Don't get up," Killian ordered. He placed a glowing finger on the suit. "Oooo, is it hot in there? Stuck? Feel a little stuck? Like a little turtle, cooking in his little turtle suit?"

"Tony..." his name escaped my mouth in barely a whisper.

"She's watching. I think you should close your eyes. Close your eyes, you don't wanna see this." Killian raised his glowing arm in an attempt to beat Tony, but his arm was sliced off before anything. The limb was burning hot, melting the metal below me. A hole was created for me to sink through. I took the opportunity to fall through, but more metal had fallen right on top of me. I tugged to set myself free, but the more force I used the more enclosed I became. Great, I'm stuck. I felt the surface beneath me begin to move. One of the machines must have turned on during the chaos. My body hung, so I lifted myself using a bar that was probing out of the scrap metal above me. I held on, making eye contact with Tony. He was out of his suit and chased after me until there was an open window. As the machine kept moving, the metal shifted with. It had finally made a half, but I was hundreds of feet above the ground. To top it off, everything was on fire. Shit. My heart was pounding. Tony finally caught up, climbing on some rails. He reached out for me once more.

"Relax, I got you." I only whined out in pain and fear. "Just look at me. Honey, I can't reach any further and you can't stay there alright? You got to let go." I kept reaching for his hand. "YOU GOTTA LET GO, I'LL CATCH YOU I PROMISE!"

Just as I was about to let go, the machinery made an immediate stop. The metal loosened around me, only causing me to fall out of place. I couldn't reach him. I only kept falling down to the flames below me. Shutting my eyes, I embraced myself for impact.

For moments I felt myself burn, but something strange happened. I could still hear my heartbeat. The sound of the flames... but how? Aren't I supposed to be dead? Am I... dead? Before I knew it, I was able to open my eyes. I looked down at my glowing body. Whatever Killian injected me with, it served me well. I sat up and noticed my foot was ankle in a way that was completely abnormal. I reached for my foot and forced it back to its normal state. In doing so, I noticed my shoulder was out of its socket. I picked myself up and walked through the flames as my body healed itself. Holding onto my arm, I looked for an empty wall. Finding one, I braced myself and pushed myself into it. The force from the impact set my shoulder back in place, but it hurt like hell. I groaned as I took a moment to fully recover before I searched for Tony. Unfortunately, the first voice I heard was Killian's. I looked around for something to beat his ass. I found a long yellow pole and followed the voice. Once I found him, I swung the pole like a baseball bat and hit the living shit out of Killian. I dropped the pole and looked over at Tony. He seemed shocked.

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