Am I A Monster?

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Monroe's pov

"Ultron took you folks out of play to buy himself time. My contacts all say he's building something. The amount of vibranium he made off with, I don't think it's just one thing," Fury began.

"What about Ultron himself?" Steve questioned.

"Oh, he's easy to track. He's everywhere. The guy is multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit. It still doesn't help us get an angle on any of his plans though."

"Is he still going after launch codes?" Tony chimed in as he threw darts to kill time.

"Yes, he is. But he's not making any headway."

"I cracked the pentagon's firewall in high school on a dare," Tony declared.

"Well, I contacted our friends at the Nexus about that."

"Nexus?" Steve asked.

"It's the world internet hub in Oslo," Banner informed.

"Every byte of data flows through there. Fastest access on Earth," I added.

"So, what did they say?" Barton continued.

"He's fixated on the missiles. But the codes are constantly being changed."

"By whom?" Just as Tony asked, a dart flew right by me and passed him. Bullseye. I turned to Clint as he shrugged smugly.

"Parties unknown."

"Do we have an ally?" Next was Nat.

"Ultron's got an enemy. That's not the same thing. Still, I'd pay folding money to know who it is."

"I might need to visit Oslo. Find our unknown," Tony shared.

"Well, this is good times, boss, but I was kind of hoping when I saw you, you'd have more than that," Nat spoke over Stark.

"I second that. Nick Fury doesn't just show up unless he's got a plan and you, eyepatch, don't seem to have any ideas. Just like the rest of us," I agreed sarcastically.

"I do. I have you. Back in the day, I had eyes everywhere. Ears, everywhere else. You kids had all the tech you could dream up. Here we all are, back on Earth, with nothing but our wit and our will to save the world. Ultron says the Avengers are the only thing between him and his mission. And whether or not he admits it, his mission is global destruction. All this, laid in a grave. So stand. Outwit the platinum bastard."

"Steve doesn't like that kind of talk."

"You know what, Romanoff?"

"So, what does he want?"

"To become better. Better than us. He keeps building bodies," Steve answers.

"Person bodies," Tony specifies. I noticed Banner studying a colored drawing of a butterfly one of the kids made for Tasha.

"Ultron's going to evolve," He concluded.


"Has anyone been in contact with Helen Cho?"

Time Skip

"What do you mean you lost Nat?!" I raised my voice at Barton.

"Cap ordered me to come here before I had the chance to-"

"So you left her behind? Dammit, Clint!"

"Anything on Nat?" Banner asked with concern once Tony walked in.

"I haven't heard. But she's alive, or Ultron would be rubbing it in our faces in it."

"I'm going back for her," I shoved past Barton until he grabbed my arm.

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