10880 Malibu Point

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Tony's pov

"Hey, Mr. Stark. When is somebody gonna kill this guy? Just saying"

These reporters are starting to get on my damn nerves. I can handle ignoring the shouts of my name and walking past the flashes. But this guy has no damn respect for the situation at hand, just media attention. My best friend is lying in this hospital, this just got personal.

"Is that what you want? Here's a little holiday greeting I've been wanting to send to The Mandarin. I just didn't know how to phrase it until now. My name is Tony Stark and I'm not afraid of you. I know you're a coward. So, I've decided that you just died pal. I'm gonna come get the body. There's no politics here, it's just good old-fashioned revenge. There's no Pentagon, it's just you and me. And on the off chance you're a man, here's my home address. 10880 Malibu Point, 90265. I'll leave the door unlocked." Grabbing the reporter's phone, I scold him. "That's what you wanted right?" I threw the phone across my car, smashing it. These peanut brained reporters all fell silent, not expecting this type of reaction. "Bill me," I add, entering my car. The shouts continued but muffled after the door was shut.

Time Skip

Monroe's pov

Я не могу поверить ему. Может ли он думать только одну секунду? Теперь я должен спасти наши задницы и надеюсь, что это скоро закончится. Возможно, даже придется убить парня сам. (I can't believe him. Can he think just for one second? Now I have to save our asses and hope this blows over soon. Might even have to kill the guy myself.)

My thoughts were running a million miles a second. How could he have put our lives in jeopardy like that?  I began to pack both our bags. Whether he liked it or not, we were leaving. Some genius... Once I was done, I walked over to the railing before the stairs and dropped our bags to the first floor. Curiosity peaked through me as a woman's voice was heard from below.

"Didn't know we were expecting guests or old girlfriends." Tony seemed confused, but I got the feeling they've been "friendly" before. He may not remember, but she does, I can see it. I tried getting passed the giant bunny as I walked down the stairs. There's something strange about her, but I can't get past her wall. She's definitely smart enough to hide her thoughts. Listening in their conversation about unexpected children, Tony jolted at her sarcastic response of a nonexistent 13-year-old boy waiting in the car to call him dad. Why am I not surprised he's more worried about that than a terrorist threat he made while revealing our home address. Speaking of which, "We're going out of town."

"We've been through this. Nope."

"Yup. Immediately and indefinitely."  I can't believe he's protesting.


"Great idea. Let's go," the woman spoke out. Finally, someone who has common sense. She walks away ready to help with our stuff. Luckily, we're traveling light.

"I'm sorry that's a terrible idea. Please don't touch her bags," Tony interferes.

"Tony, this is how normal people behave," I justify.

"I can't protect you out there."

"Is that normal?" The woman points to the giant stuffed bunny.


"YES, this is normal!"

"Very normal."

"It's a big bunny relax about it!"

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