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Monroe's pov

"You're one to try and sneak up on me."

"Who said I was trying," I remark.

'Why don't we chat in this special mind of yours'

I stare with bright blue eyes and respond to his thought.

'I won't let you hurt them'

'Are they aware there is more than one beast on this ship'

'The only beast here is you'

I began to growl lowly as I bared my fangs.

'Fiesty one aren't you... I can sense your fear'

'I'm not afraid of you'

'No, of course not. But perhaps of yourself.'

My growling instantly stops, my body tensing.

'Ahh there it is. What exactly is it you're afraid you'll do?'

I had stopped sending telepathic responses.

'Or rather, who you'll do it to'

I turned quickly to avoid eye contact.

'Is this love, Agent Monroe?'

'Love is for children'

'Yet you feel it within every inch of yourself'

'You don't know what you're talking about'

'It couldn't be my brother, he's got another running after him. You haven't mentioned Barton once, knowing I've got him under my power'

'Stop it'

'What about the playboy you all pretend is here to be a hero'

I slowly turned back with anger filling my eyes.

'Whatever you think you know, you don't'

'So it is him. Has he seen you in your true form?'

'That is none of your business'

'Well if he hasn't already, he will today. You will lose control'

'I won't'

'You'll tear him to shreds once I'm through with you'

'Through with me? Is that what you're trying to do? Get in my head?'

'I'm already in your head'

'You're wrong'

'Then why can't you get into mine?'

Our eyes locked as he smiled mischievously. He caught me... I was just trying to play into his charade, but I let him get to me. That's when the ringing began. This time it was louder. Painful. I fell to my knees, letting out a frustrated scream, eyes never leaving his. Nat immediately came through the doors and helped me up. She must've been listening under Fury's orders. She pulled me out through the doors, enlarging the distance between the god and me. The ringing stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"He knows more about me than I do. I can't get past the barrier he's built in his head. What if he's right, what if I can't keep myself under control. Stark is a game-changer. Loki's right, I won't be able to- "

"Hey, it's okay. I've got this. Wait here." With that, she walks in to interrogate Loki as I regain my composure.

Time Skip

Heroes Are Made | A Tony Stark series (fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now