1. iris

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As soon as I was born I was shipped off to a back corner of the royal palace and forgotten.

I mean, I had people taking care of me until I was old enough to handle myself.

Then I was really forgotten.

My father was the king, but my mother was a foreign princess from a fallen kingdom who had been sold into his harem.

That makes me the 13th princess of the Sina Kingdom, Y/N L/N.

I've never actually talked with my father–I've seen him at the banquets hosted on his birthday but never had a real conversation.

Enough about him.

My father is disgusting and evil blah blah blah I've had it so bad wah wahw whahahhhahh

When I turned 15, maids slowly stopped showing up to do the chores, the jewelry and expensive trinkets leaving with them.

When I turned 16, I stopped getting called upon to attend balls and parties.

When I turned 17, the 11th princess got married off to a minor prince in a neighboring kingdom.

It was then that I realized.

The same was going to happen to me.

As isolated as I already was, one day I was just going to be a bargaining chip for the king.


I don't have any problem with entering a loveless marriage

I would just... rather choose.

I mean if I have to marry he should at least be hot.



Goddamn. I hate my dad but he had good taste in women. My mom was a gorgeous lady.

Now, you would think that as soon as I realized that I was going to get married off to some ugly, self-centered, useless duke that I would start to do something.


But it turns out that if you ask me to do anything NO MATTER HOW IMPORTANT I will always procrastinate until the last second.

And that's how I ended up pushing back trying to avoid my inevitable engagement until a month before my 18th birthday.

At 18 I would make my debut into society.

There are some futures that you can change.

There are thousands more that you can try to change and never make a difference in.

In another few months I would be in an arranged marriage.

Completely cast aside. The forgotten 13th princess.

"Excuse me? Would you allow me this dance?" An older gentleman walked up to where I was standing.


all this exposition I forgot to even mention the setting :///

Right, it's the king's birthday.

"Sorry, I'm here with my fiancé." I brushed him off, turning back to the large buffet table.

Ah yes, my betrothed–the cheese plate.

"Your fiancé? He won't even notice you in this crowd." The man scoffed, grabbing another glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

"He just stepped out for a second, he'll be right back." I made my way straight to a platter of fruit.


"Come on miss, there's no harm in just one dance," he continued to press, following me as I made my way down the table.

Can I please enjoy my grapes in peace.

"Except he just came back in! Sorry, but I promised that I would only dance with him. So long!" I waved him off trying desperately to escape into the crowd.


"You-" he stopped speaking, his mouth hanging open. "I'm so sorry, please don't mention this to your fiancé," he muttered.


I glanced to my right at the large double doors that opened up into the ballroom.

Oh god.

"That's him right? The Duke?" The man looked at me and back at the aforementioned duke.

What do I do?

"Right, the duke," I trailed off locking eyes with Duke Ackerman.

What am I saying?

"The duke has a fiancé?" The man muttered half to himself, slowly trying to further blend into the crowd.

"What was that?" A new voice entered the conversation.

Shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot

"Ah! Duke Ackerman, I was just talking to your fiancé about how lovely the two of you look together." He continued to back away.

No you weren't, you were harassing me while I was stuffing my face

"Fiancé?" The duke let out a short laugh.

"Is she not?"

Duke Ackerman looked me over, his blue silver eyes staring directly into my soul.

I feel like he knows that when I laugh really hard I start snorting.

"Of course she is." He smiled–a cold fake smile.

My heart stopped in my chest.


first chapter ! I'm really excited for this new story- the first few chapters are going to be a little more serious than what I normally write (if that's not what you're into bare with me).

I know I was teasing an idol/actor au but uhhhh that obviously didn't happen.

- ai <3

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