Chapter 3

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"I have a problem" I announce the moment he picks up. "Yeah right you do. Waking me up at 8 o'clock isn't very nice." Tilly yawns and fake pounds through the camera. "Come on Tilly I'm serious." His hand searching for his glasses until he puts them on his nose. "How's Sydney?" He asks. " good" I say while biting my lower lip. "But that's not why I called you Tilly." He gives me a questionale look. "So why did you call me?" "I'm kind of falling for someone and I don't know what to do..." I finally say. Tyler sights and than start it giggle. "So where is the problem..... Connor... He doesn't know so you have nothing to be afraid of." "oh good... That's a relieve... Wait what... How do you know?" "Come on Troye I know you and you are not pretty good at hiding you feelings. I mean to me it was obious since Italy."
I slowly nod. Of cause it was obvious to Tyler. " so what is you advice? What should I do?" He slowly turns his head towards his bedroom window gazing outside. "Nothing" he says. "Troye you can't act on those feelings. I mean we don't even know if he is gay or at least bi Or likes you back. You know I always had my suspicions towards him but if you act in you feelings you might scare him of. If you ask me he likes you back so I wouldn't give up but you have to wait till he makes a move on you." I nod but avoid looking into the camera so Tyler doesn't see the tears in my eyes. "I know that's hard but you don't want to get hurt either, right?" "Yeah you're right Tilly." I say but still not convinced by my own thoughts. "don't be sad Troye.... You're in the big city. Make the best of it okay?" I try to swallo my pain. I know that he is right but it feels wrong anyway. We say our goodbyes and I end up wrapped in the burrito blanked of my hotel bed. Before I fall asleep I send a snapchat to Connor saying " lonely burrito".

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