I wash my hands slowly. Looking in the mirror above the sink seeing my puffy eyes. I can't believe that our reunion was such a disaster. I decide to wash my face as well and then dry both my hands and my face with a soft hotel towel. I slowly open the bathroom door and peak out. For some reason I'm scared to face him again. But then I see his smile while he is clearly watching me. He is sitting on his hotel bed waiting for me to come back to him. I open the door a little bit wider so that I can fit trough it. Then I go over to him. He's still smiling at me. He takes my hand in his. "Could you please sit down next to me? You make me nervous." I nod and sit down. "Tro I had a lot time to think about us and about this..." He says and looks down at our linked hands. I get nervous. "I really want us to work and I have the feeling that I can't commit myself fully to you if I'm not out of the closet for real." I look into his beautiful eyes. "I know I don't have to do this for you but I want to. I want to be worthy of your love." I smile. Then I start to nod slowly. "Connor I really don't want to drag you in doing that, I hope you know that." He smiles "I know." He just whispers and lays his sweet lips on mine. I close my eyes and lean closer to him. I try to lay all my emotions into the kiss, slowly grabbing his waist while his hands wander to my neck. My tummy rumbles. Connor breaks the kiss to laugh. "So your hungry?" He asks with a smirk. "Yeah... Kinda... I couldn't eat for like the last three days." I confess and blush. He laughs and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Then let's find something to eat." He says while getting up, taking my hand in his and then we leave the hotel room again.
Home to you
FanfictionFictional Tronnor story beginning in Sydney... Basically I try to stick as close as possible to the real events.