I'll Be Okay

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No need to be a broken record.

I know life isn't fair

it seems as if you're too distracted by my sun-kissed smile to realize that I'm still bleeding from my wounds.

People cry, I know they do.

People cry from the moment they're out the womb to their deathbeds.

I don't heal my wounds.

I allow them to become infected by the continuous struggle of masking them under bad habits of re-opening them and waiting for them to close to continue the process.

When I cry over these wounds, it's not out of sadistic desire or a need for human contact,

but to cleanse these infectious memories and allow them to wash off into the shore of emotions.

People heal and move on,

my journey will have more falls than any average person because I desire greatness.

A path to success is a path of loneliness and of that, I'm not afraid.

I don't care if the pieces of my heart fall apart or if my memories of my past cling onto me like chains on my feet slow me down,

I don't care if I have to walk through the depths of hell time and time again.

I will stand on the top of the mountain on my own two feet despite the aching, bruised skin on my ankles.

I know my skin, my mind, my heart will grow to withstand and endure more.

As the broken pieces of my heart will uncover the forest of my soul that was hidden behind these walls.

I'm not afraid to appear weak or fragile for I know that I have the heart of a lion.

People and their words do not control me,

my demons do not control me.

I control me,

whether I stumble, fall, and cry along the way.

I'll get back up and move to my destined path

if it takes two days, two months, or two years,

I will reach the top.

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