Are You A Stalker?

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Mr. Old
Hey kid.

Oh wow

Mr. Old

I didn't think you would text me again

Mr. Old
Why wouldn't I? You've given me a nickname, so now we're friends.

For real?! Like, you're not messing with me are you?

Mr. Old
Yeah if course. You're a good kid. And smart.


How do you know I'm smart?
*le gasp* not only are you a pedophile but also a stalker?! I thought I could trust you!

Mr. Old
Pete, you seriously have to stop with calling me a pedophile.
I'm also not a stalker, I'm just very observant.

You sound just like my friend MJ

And you can't know if I'm smart without stalking me, we haven't even met, you don't know what I look like

Mr. Old
Okay, you got me. But in my defence, I was making sure you weren't a threat.

And am I a threat?

Mr. Old
You are a 15 year old with straight A's and you live with your aunt while having multiple jobs to help her pay the bills so no, you're not a threat.

Oh great, now you know everything about me

Do you also know when I have to take a dump or does your information stop there?

I was tinkering with one of the Iron Man suits until suddenly I heard someone laugh from behind me. I turned around and saw Clint reading my texts to Peter from an hour ago. "Barton! Give me back my phone!" When I stood up to punch him in the face but he jumped back in the vents. I let out a groan of annoyance and jumped after him. He was probably texting Peter now in one of his spots.

"Birdbrain! You better get your ass over here now or I'll drag you out!" There was no response. Sighing, I began crawling through the vents, trying to find the bird and kill it.

Mr. Old
Hi :D

Who are you and what have you done to Mr. Old?!

Mr. Old
How did you know it wasn't him?

Mr. Old would never type an emoticon

And he would use punctuation at the end of it, IF he would use an emoticon

But if you aren't Mr. Old, who are you?

Mr. Old
You can call me bird

Come on! This isn't fair

You do know my name

Mr. Old
Mr. Old is trying to kill me now, so here is my number

Byee Mr. Bird!

After I had caught Clint in one of his nests in the vents, I read the texts he sent to Peter. "Clint! You better not go talking to him!"
"Why not? I like the kid." Clint responded from the kitchen. "I don't want you to have a bad influence on him." I said with a sigh. The kid really is giving me grey hairs. "Aw, look at that! He turned you into a dad!"

"Who turned Tony into a dad?" A voice said from the elevator, which had just opened. "Hey Nat, a kid Tony has been texting recently. He is so pure, I believe he can turn everyone into a parent. Even you!"

"Give me his number."


Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now