So You're Peter?

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I was making a new formula for my webshooters when I heard loud voices come from the hallway. Due to my enhanced hearing I could hear everything they said, I only didn't understand the conversation though.

"Why are there so many rooms in the medical bay?"

"Because you have the habit to hurt yourself."

"That is not true!"

"There is no way you are going to win this argument."

"Guys! Can we please go look for him?"

"I still wonder why he didn't want to call the police, that man hurt him."

"If he doesn't want to, we're not going to. We aren't going to look for the man either."

"You have no idea how hard that is."

"We all go through the same."

At some point it hit me. They were talking about me. I closed my notebook and took careful steps to the door, like it could attack me at any point. The people outside the door were still arguing but I wasn't paying attention. I grabbed the door handle and opened the door, widening my eyes at the sight in front of me. The Avengers were standing with their backs turned to me, still arguing.

I blinked a few times and took a deep breath, trying to look as comfortable as possible. "Are you looking for someone?" I asked, looking at their shocked eyes. I could recognize every single one of them, and it was shocking. Twelve Avengers were standing in front of me, looking me straight into the eyes.

Clint Barton was the first one to speak up. "Actually, yes. Are you Peter Parker?" I blinked rapidly, getting nervous by all the eyes gazing at me. "Yes..?" I saw Wanda Maximoff whisper something in Natasha Romanoff's ear. She nodded and held out her hand for me. "Hi Peter, I'm Natasha." She said.

"Hi!" I said with a wide smile. All of them smiled back. "May I ask why you were looking for me? And how you know why I ended up here?" Now it was Bruce Banner's turn to speak up. "Tony told us, so you're Peter?" I laughed in response. "I thought I already answered that question." Chuckling, I let my body weight lean on the door post.

Miss. Maximoff turned her head to whisper something in Miss. Romanoff's ear again, but this time I was ready to hear what she was saying. "He has the cutest face I have ever seen." She said. No one else could hear her, but I understood every bit of it. "I think I can take that as a compliment." I grinned.

Before anyone could ask how I could hear that, Dr. Banner spoke up again. "Kid, why aren't you wearing your IV?" His eyebrows furrowed and he looked inside my room, looking for the machine I pulled out of my body a few hours ago. "Oh, uhm, that." I scratched the back of my neck, feeling embarrassed.

"I, kind of, pulled it out. It was annoying me." Dr. Banner walked into my room, reaching for the IV to see if anything was wrong with it. "Why did it bother you?" I shrugged my shoulders and walked after him. I sat down on the bed and pulled my knees up, wrapping my arms around them. "I-I don't like needles." I lied. Well, it wasn't a lie, I DO hate needles, but that wasn't the reason why I pulled it out.

After a short conversation I began to feel uncomfortable. I stood up and smiled at everyone. "I want to thank you for taking such good care of me, but I have to go. My aunt doesn't know I'm gone yet and I guess she is kind of worried. So, bye!" I grabbed my phone and notebook and walked to the door.

"Peter wait!" Mr. Rogers put his hands on my shoulder to turn me around but I flinched back. I looked him in the eyes with actual fear. Being overwhelmed by my reaction, he let me go. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" My eyes grew wide. Realising I was being quiet for too long, I said something I regretted straight away.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. My aunt is really worried and I don't want to be a bother." Before they could answer I waved at them and turned around. "Bye guys!" I heard some people say bye back but I already left. When I was outside I realized what I had done. Peter, what the actual frick was that?!

Guys, I messed up so bad

Mr. Soldier

The Avengers asked me to have dinner with them, but I said no

Can somebody tell me WHY I said no?

Mr. Little
You sound very desperate.

And why did you say no? I would kill for a dinner with the Avengers.

You tell me!!

I guess I panicked or something, believe me, normally O would kill for that as well

Miss. Nat
Why did you panick?

Sometimes I have social issues

I have like NO common sense

Mr. Old
You have no idea how awkward we can get. Mostly Steve.

Mr. Steve
Why is everyone using my age against me? This is unfair.

Mr. Bird
Oh, what are you going to do? Call the police to tell them I parked in your spot?

Ooh! That one was GOOD

Mr. Bird
I try.

Mr. Green
But you left?

Yup (°__°)

No idea why

Mr. Green
But shouldn't you still have pain or something?

The doctors said I should, but it turns out I don't

I also have no idea why

Miss. Nat
Well I'm glad you're okay now

I almost got ran over by a car, so I'll stop texting now

Bye guys! Love you!

Miss. Pep
Stay safe.

Love you too! <3

Everyone else

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now