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Okay let's move on to the story now

Now I'm saying sorry for a whole different reason *lenny face*

Enjoy... if you can... *evil laughter* *painful coughs*


Something was definitely wrong...

The soft click was the last thing Peter heard before the room erupted in a deafening silence. He spun his head around with force to look at the door that had just stood open seconds before. His spidersense was blaring louder in the back of his head than ever before, it was screaming at him to get out of there. Some weird feeling told him to stay, to examine the situation and find out what the people wanted. Luckily he listened to his spidersense rather than his curiosity, so he ran to the door and tried to open it.

"Pete?" Tony's voice came from the other side of the door. It was a bit muffled by the thick metal that separated the two, but the worry in it was obvious. "Mr. Stark?" Peter responded. He knew the man was there, but any other words he wanted to say disappeared before they could roll off his tongue. "Yeah it's me, what's going on buddy?" Peter heard him leaning against the door. In a weird way it gave him some kind of comforting feeling.

"I don't- I don't know. I think the door locked when I walked in. The lab is empty, I don't trust this Mr. Stark." He tried with all his might to sound brave, which he managed to do. Only if Tony was actually next to the boy he would've seen right through the lie. Suddenly the door handle turned extremely hot. Peter pulled his hand away with a hiss before a painful burn could form on it. "Sorry, I should've warned you." Tony said. His voice had that tone it always had when they were working in the lab; too much in the zone to have an actual proper conversation.

"What are you doing?" The boy asked. "I don't trust this either. The smile on that Annabelle's face wasn't to be trusted." Angelica, but oh well, Peter corrected in his head. Suddenly something snapped in the back of his head; Tony was wearing his Iron Man glove, he was trying to melt the lock.
"What is taking so long? Normally it would've blasted away within seconds."

"Shit.." At that sudden change of attitude Peter pressed his ear against the door, even though it was hot. "What's going on, are you okay?" He asked, hoping for a good response instead of another trip to the medical bay. "The door and lock are both made of vibranium, my gloves can't break through it just like with Cap's shield."

"Fuck.." Peter murmured. "Language," Tony responded, clearly trying to soften the tense atmosphere. Peter had known him long enough to know that he wasn't even convincing himself, but that he just had to try something to make himself and the boy calm down. "Maybe you can go find another way out, climb out of the window if you must." He said.

"But what about my identity?" Peter asked as he turned to carefully examining the empty room. He heard Tony sigh and could almost see him pinching the bridge of his nose. "I don't really care about you identity now, there are some more important things going on. Like, hm, I don't know, like your life that might be in danger."

"Okay, okay, I'm going to look. I'll see you soon." The boy responded reassuringly. "Be careful kid." Tony said softly. There it was; no sarcastic remark or joke to lighten up the mood, just words that almost screamed out with worry. If Clint were here, he would've called this Tony's 'dad-mode'.
"I will."

Peter took careful, small steps away from the door. The walls in the lab were a dark blue colour, standing out from the rest of the building that only had white or grey painted walls. One of the lights in the back of the room flickered slightly, giving chills all over Peter's spine because of the combination with the soft beeping of one of the machines that had only been turned off several minutes ago. He had seen to many horror movies to not be frightened at this point.

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now