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Okay, I got well counted 13 death threats, 4 invites to f*ck myself and A LOT of swearing thrown against my head. I don't mind though, it was kinda the point with that chapter XD


The loud bang of the gun seemed harder than normal. My eyes grew wider and I anxiously looked around, trying to find the one that got shot. When I saw Skip with the gun in his hand, ready to shoot again, my whole human being left my body. Whoever it was that he shot, I wanted revenge. I raised the gun I had in my trembling hands and put the barrel in line with his chest. Without any hesitation, I shot him.

The red spot in his shirt became bigger with the second. He gasped a few times and heaved for breath while pressing his fingers on the wound, wetting them with the blood that was pouring out of it. He fell down on the ground and breathed one short, heavy breath before his chest stopped moving. His motionless body lay on the ground in a puddle of blood that I created.

Guilt flooded my head and body. I killed someone.. My hands were still pointing the gun to the place where Skip once stood, shaking so hard the bullets in it clicked against each other. My eyes grew wider and a single tear fell down my cheek as my mouth fell open. I stood on my shaking skinny legs in the cold room while all of the sound faded away. The only thing I could hear was my heartbeat in my chest and ears. The only thing I could see was the motionless body in front of me, a thing that I caused by one simple movement  of my finger.

The weapon fell out of my hands, but I couldn't hear it touch the ground. A ringing in my ears made me able to hear my shaky breath. A few voices were coming in my mind and fading away, but I knew they were real. I pulled myself out of my visions by turning my head over my shoulder. On the ground lay another body, surrounded by the others in the room.

I slowly limped towards the person and kneeled down in front of him with tears in my eyes. I laid my hand under his head and grabbed his hand with the other. He grabbed it back, signalling he was aware of what I did. "P-please, don't- please don't d-do this to me... please.. you-you can't die, you hear me? Please d-don't die.." the words came out as high sounds in the end as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Peter, look at me." His words were weak, but strong at the same time. I opened my eyes again and looked in his. My mouth fell open to say something but nothing but high squeaks came out. His metal arm grabbed my cheek and rubbed circles on it to make the tears disappear. "I-I'm glad I met you.. you're the first kid I have ever liked.. thank you for being my f-friend.." he smiled weakly in an attempt to hide his own tears.

"Please, sir, please, it's not your t-time yet.. hold on- please hold on for me.. you can't die, not like this... not for me.." I grabbed his wrist and squeezed it, knowing he couldn't feel it by the metal. "I don't want to l-live with t-the same guilt, please Mr. Barnes, please.."

A small tear fell down my chin. More followed. They all dripped on Mr. Barnes' chest, memorizing me of his coming fate. "I am so-so s-sorry.. I could've stopped him, I could've taken that bullet. But p-please, don't leave me yet.. I can't-can't take this, not again.."

He smiled another smile and closed his eyes slowly. When I thought he wasn't going to open them again, he spoke. "It's okay Peter, everything's fine.. You are going to be happy with that girl, MJ. Promise me that." He opened his eyes again and I saw that as my cue to smile. I couldn't stand to see the pink colour fade away from his lips to take place for a blue one, but I knew I had to smile. For him. I didn't want his last sightings to be my tears. I wanted to let him know that he could rest in peace.

"I promise. I promise. H-how do you k-know of her?" I asked this to let his attention go to something else. He gasped for some air and his eyes grew wider. It only lasted a second before he put back the smile on his face. "T-Tony showed me.. She's beautiful, kid. Hold on to her." He wiped away another tear from my cheek. "Goodbye Pete.." He whispered. I placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. "Goodbye Bucky.." I whispered back.

I stood up and fell into Miss. Romanoff's arms while crying. She hugged me tightly and held my head with her hands. "It's okay, it's okay.." I could hear in her voice that she knew it wasn't true, but she had to say something. I let go of her and nodded towards Bucky. "Say your goodbye." She looked hesitantly at Bucky and then back at me. "Are you sure?" I nodded. "I don't want to be the cause of you missing the opportunity to say goodbye. You'll regret it later, just go." I said.

She kissed my forehead gently before she kneeled down next to Bucky. Mr. Stark got out of his suit and also sat down next to the dying man. The rest of the Avengers ran into the room and freezed instantly when they saw their friend lying on the floor in a puddle of blood. Mostly Mr. Rogers was in shock. His mouth fell open and he stumbled towards his best friend he lost for years, but came back. He fell to his knees and grabbed Bucky's head with his hands.

Miss. Maximoff pulled me into a hug while she cried silently. I heard a scream coming from the other side of the room where they all were grieving over their coming loss. I let go of the hug and looked at the scene. It was Mr. Rogers who screamed. His eyes were all red and puffy from crying and his fists were palmed. "He can't die! Tony, he can't die! Do something! Please, do something! You always say you're so smart, now help him! Get him to the hospital, please.." the tears rolled down his face when his outburst was over.

"Bruce and Scott had the medical bay ready, we can bring him in before it's too late." Miss. Romanoff said. My heart made a little jump and I couldn't help but cry. Tears of joy were unstoppably falling out of my eyes. I pulled Miss. Maximoff in a hug again andI felt her chest shiver with joy as well. "He's not dead yet. He's not dead yet." I said in her chest. She grabbed my head and played with my curls. "They are going to help him Pete, it's okay."

I shook my head, not looking up from the ground. She let go of me and looked me in the eyes. "What do you mean? They can save him, he can be healed." Her voice got higher and she grabbed my cheeks, rubbing her thumps on them. I opened my mouth to say something and looked at the dead body of Skip from the corner of my eye. His eyes were open and looked into the deep nothingness of death, his blood reflected the bit of light the room was giving and his mouth was in the form of a smile, like he enjoyed me killing him.

"I killed someone. It's not okay. He is dead, I shot him." I looked her back in her eyes. "It's my fault."

Does this count as a cliffhanger? I don't think so.

And, did my plan work? Were you all grabbing your knives and guns to kill me for killing Bucky until you read he wasn't dead? Good, that was the point

Wow, I really kept my promise to myself by saying I'd wait a while with a new chapter *cough cough*
Guess I have too much spare time after all

See ya!
~Piece Of Garbage

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