Secret Ventcrawlers

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"Things happened.."

Tony looked me in the eye and raised his eyebrows, probably wondering what I meant with that sentence. He grabbed my arms and rubbed his thumps on them to comfort me. I wondered if I should tell him. I knew I had to tell him some day, since the nightmares and scared feelings got worse by the events from the past. I bit my bottom lip again, but this time I could feel the blood pouring out of it. Tony wiped his sleeve over the wound to remove the blood, which didn't help at all.

"I-I know who the people are that have done this to me. One-one of them was an old f-friend.. until he betrayed me." I heard a few footsteps come in the room. I sensed that they weren't a threat, so I turned around to face them. It were Dr. Banner, Miss. Romanoff and Steve who came in, all with worried looks on their faces. They were all standing in the elevator, looking at us in pity. "Are you going to come in or...?" Tony asked, making the last word sound longer. All of them walked in and sat down on the back of the sofa.

It was silent for a moment, nobody said a word. "Why are you here?" Tony asked, once again breaking the silence. "I wanted to do the checkup on Peter, remember?" Bruce said, immediately looking over at me to see if I was okay. The worry in his eyes grew with the second as he looked me in the eyes, seeing the broken me who panted and shook shatter from inside. I looked away, eyeing my own shaking hands to spare him the pain of seeing me breaking apart more and more. It will all go away if you tell them, a gentle voice in my head said.

"We are here for support, and we wanted to ask him questions about the events." Miss. Romanoff said. "I was talking about him with that, but he seemed like he was on the verge of a panic attack." Tony said, looking over at me to see if I was okay. "More reason to stay." Steve reasoned. I could almost feel him shrug from behind me. "You don't understand Captain, he might not be strong enough to handle it with four people in the room right now." Tony placed a hand on my shoulder.

"He can hear you." I said breathlessly, staring forward. I turned around and looked them all in the eye. "And he also has an opinion about it." They all looked somewhere else in shame, trying to avoid contact with my eyes. I sighed deeply and pulled my legs up to my chest. "And it's fine Mr- Tony. They can stay." I sniffled a little and wiped my nose clean. The tears had stopped falling, and I was somewhat happy with the other three walking in. They made the urge for me to have a mental breakdown a bit less, making me more stable while telling my story.

I took a deep breath to stable myself before beginning the story. "When I was a little kid, I didn't have many friends. I was always being bullied for being a nerd and stuff. All the other children didn't want to play with me, so it has always been me and my books. Until one day a man passed me in the library. That was the place where I spent most of my time learning and reading books. He sat down in front of me and called me Einstein for reading Dr. Banners papers about Gamma Radiation." I said, pointing at Dr. Banner behind me with my thumb. The venom was obviously audible in my voice when I said the nickname Skip gave me. After the events from all those years ago, it still managed to give me goosebumps all over my spine.

"Wait, how old were you when you read those?" Dr. Banner asked, forming a proud look on his face without knowing my answer yet. "About eleven. I didn't understand them completely though, but for the most part. Now I do, by the way, your work is amazing." His smile grew more and I was almost certain I saw a blush on his cheeks.

"Anyways," I continued before we'd get off topic, "The man and I talked for a while and he introduced himself as Skip Westcott. He said Skip wasn't his real name though, but that I was allowed to call him that. We stayed in touch for a few weeks and my aunt and uncle approved on him, saying he was a trustworthy man. One day, he let me stay at his house. God, how could I have been so stupid?!" I yelled, blaming myself entirely for everything that had happened.

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now