Skip Westcott

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I put away my phone quickly when the door opened. Mr. Old once said he was about to track me, so he probably could do it, right? I just hoped this text was enough for him to worry. But no way that I would let Skip take me so easily. I reached for the door to open it, but it was locked already. "Don't even try Einstein, you can't get out." Skip said. I gave him the bravest look I could give him at the moment. "Don't call me that." I said angrily.

"What? You are a little Einstein, aren't you?" He sat down in the seat in front of me to start the car. I saw my chance and grabbed his head, locking my arm around his neck to choke him. I saw Captain America do it a lot of times, so I could remake his move by now. Skip coughed a few times and reached for my arm only for me to hold him more tightly. "You're not putting me through this again Westcott, once was enough." I hissed in his ear.

He grabbed something, and as soon as my spidersense went off he pressed it in my neck with his free arm. Electricity shot through my body, making me let go of his neck. It was enough to make me weak, but not enough to make me go unconscious. Skip coughed a few times before he turned to look at my petrified body that looked at him with scared eyes.

"Look at you. You're stronger than before, bigger. You've grown a lot these years." He came closer and grabbed my arm to pull me back up in the seats. "But I'm not playing nice anymore Einstein. One mistake, and there will be consequences. Remember; I'm in charge here." He grabbed something from his bag which was lying in the seat next to him. Handcuffs.

I regained my strength and sat up in the chair. "Please Skip, don't." As a response he chuckled which sounded like a demon trying to suck out my soul. It sent shivers all over my spine and body. "Those beggins remember me of those fun times we had years ago." He said while grabbing both of my arms. He pressed them on my back and cuffed them together. When he let go of me and started to drive, I began to realise what situation I was in. I pulled at the handcuffs, but I was still weak from the taser so they didn't break.

"Where are we going?" I asked, fear visible in my voice. Skip looked at me through the mirror in the front of the car and grinned. "You'll find out soon enough." I gulped away some nervous spit. I felt my phone buzz inside my pocket every second, which meant the group chat was worried. They'll find me soon enough and call the cops, I thought.

"What's that sound?" Skip asked. I looked up at him. "What sound?" The innocence in my voice probably blew my cover. God, why am I bad at lying when lying is the only thing that can save my life?! I tried to mute the sound my sitting on my phone, but it didn't help. "That buzzing sound." Skip answered, stopping the car. My heart rate sped up and my hands beganto sweat.

"Isn't that just the motor or something?" He sighed and turned around. "If it's from the motor, why is it still there now that the car has stopped?" He raised his eyebrows and got out of the car to get to my seat. "Frick, turn off turn off turn off!" I yelled at my phone. It was too risky to take it out now, so I hoped it would stop before Skip found it. It didn't.

He opened my door and reached his hand inside my pocket. When he pulled my phone out, he turned it off. "What did I tell you? Every mistake has consequences." He sounded threatning, and as he came closer to me my heart bumped even more. The fear made me tremble in my seat and back away to the other door. My spidersense went off again, but I knew I couldn't do anything in the situation I was in. Skip pulled out his taser again, and pressed it against my neck. I screamed in pain and my body fell to the ground when he stopped.

The world was spinning and there was a high note ringing in my ears. My eyelids were halfway closed, but the pain was not enough to make them close fully. The only thing I could think about for the rest of the ride was the pain in my neck and the burn that it had definitely left. The ride didn't last long tough, only a minute. When I looked around I saw, for as far as I could see, that we were still in the same street.

"Please Skip, please..." I pleaded when he stepped out of the car to pull me out. He didn't listen and dragged me out. He carried me to the door of the building since I couldn't even stand by myself. Trying to memorize as much as possible along the way, I realized I was being kidnapped. It's kind of logical of course, but at that moment you don't realise what's happening. The only thing you do know is that you're in danger and that you want to get out.

Before I knew it we were in the basement of the building. "Seriously? In this place it takes the police twenty seonds to find me." I scoffed in his face. I didn't care it could get me in trouble, I wanted to let him know that I wasn't that weak, vulnerable boy he raped all those years ago. I wanted to show him I wasn't afraid.

But I was. I was terrified.

Skip only shot me a quick glance before moving a closet to reveal a door. "You would think that an Einstein would know we weren't there yet." He mocked. Grabbing my arms to pull me up from the ground, he hissed something in my ear again. "We are going to have some fun, just like the old times." I felt tears prickle in my eyes. Not again, please, not again..

"Don't cry." Skip said harshly. I nodded like a obeying puppy, making me feel sick. Why was I doing what he wanted? I was supposed to be strong.. he pulled me inside and I heard someone move the closet back in front of the door again. There are more? Was the only thing I could think of. The tears were threatening to fall so I sniffed and blinked a few times to make them go away.

Skip grabbed my handcuffs and pulled them off. Before I could take my chance and run away, he grabbed my hands again and cuffed them into something else. When he let go, I turned around to see that I was chained up against a wall.  Two chains were hanging on the cuffs around my arms. Like an animal. "What do you want from me?" I tried to sound brave again, but failed miserably.

"You are going to give us information about the Avengers and SI, or else we are going to hurt you." Was Skip's response. I shook my head in confusion. "Who is we?" A dark figure stepped out of the shadows. The tiny bit of light the small windows at the top of the walls didn't show much of his face. But his roundings were visible. He was a tall man with big shoulders and messy hair. That wasn't the part that worried me though. The scary part was the thing in his hand.

A gun.

"We is a name we aren't going to mention. The common mistake of villains in movies and comic books is that they always tell their secrets. But you can call us X." He stepped closer to me, examining my face and body. When he came to my neck he shook his head disapprovingly. He made a clicking noise with his tongue before he turned around to face Skip. "Westcott, you didn't hurt him, now did you?" He asked.

Skip only nodded with a smile as a response. He clearly enjoyed my state. "I did, sir." He said. Mr. X (a nickname I've given him) smiled. "Good," he turned his head back to me with a smile, "he has to get used to it." He kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my chin. He pulled it up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. Tears were about to fall out of mine, but I managed to hold them in.

"You are going to give us what we want, or else we'll hurt you." His face came dangerously close to mine. I could feel his warm breath on my cold skin. It gave me goosebumps all over my body. His mouth came close to my ear.

"But for now, Westcott can have you for a few minutes."

I am doing this to myself as well, okay!! I write this story, but I find it scary as fuck myself, so new chapers will come soon!

By the way, does everyone know who Skip Westcott is? If you don't, ask someone in the comments or search for him on the internet. I promise you you'll hate him with your life.

Au revoir, little biscuits!
~Proud PPPS member

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