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"Contacting Tony Stark.." I felt my heart sink in my chest. My eyes grew bigger and I started looking around like a scared puppy. "What? No! Friday, stop calling Mr. Stark!" The AI still ignored me, like I had no rights to say anything in this situation.

A voice came from the speakers of the elevator, one I recognised, but couldn't quite place. "Hello?" Then it hit me; Friday contacted Tony Stark. "Oh, uhm, hi Mr. Stark!"

"Hey kid, why'd you call?"

"I didn't, Friday did."

"Why did Friday contact me?"

"I don't know, she just started calling you when I came in."

"I contacted Mr. Stark because of the possibl-"

I began waving my hands in the air in big forms, trying to make her shut up. "Shut it Friday!" I hissed silently. She stopped talking, lucky for me, and I let out a nervous breath. "What did she say?" Mr. Stark asked. My hands started to sweat again, making me play with my sweater to dry them.

"Oh, nothing. I think there is a problem with her system or something, because there wasn't a reason for her to call you." I gave my inner self a high-five for getting better at lying every second. Not that they were amazing lies, but normally I'd sweat a lot more, my voice would be trembling and I'd keep shaking.

"All right, wanna help me fix it?" I couldn't help but smile, even though he couldn't see it. "Yeah, sure! I'd love to Mr. Stark!" The elevator dinged as it opened the doors, signalling its arrival. "Got to go! Be there in two."
"Sure kid." I stepped out and sighed in relief. Doing a little pray he wouldn't see my bruises, I walked through the hallways, not knowing where Mr. Stark wanted me to go.

I pulled my hood further over my head since some people looked at me with worried eyes. At some point I stopped walking and sighed deeply. Great, I'm lost, good job Peter, I thought. The hallway was empty, making me feel a bit anxious. This is a huge building with a lot of people working in it, it should not be empty.

Suddenly I felt something on the back of my head. It was hard, and as the person spoke it pushed harder against my skull. "Who are you and how did you get here? What do you want?" I put my hands in the air, but I was not afraid. This wasn't the first time a gun was being aimed at me, the scar on my leg proves that.

"I'm lost, actually." I knew that wasn't a proper answer, but it was all I could get out of my mouth. "Who are you?" The women repeated herself, revealing her identity. "Miss. Romanoff?" I asked unsure. She turned me around harsly to look me in the eyes, but I kept my head down. At this point she held the gun to my forehead and said something an an earpiece. It was in Russian, so I couldn't understand what she said.

"If you don't mind Miss. Romanoff, I like to chat with you but I have to go to Mr. Stark and I'm already late. So I'd appreciate it if you'd lower your gun." I looked up in her eyes for a moment before returning my face to the ground. It was enough for her to see who I was. "Peter?"
"Yup." I said, plopping the 'p'. She put her gun back in the back of her pants and murmured something.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry Peter." I shrugged my shoulders and turned around. "Nothing new." I said. Miss. Romanoff stopped me as I began to walk. "What do you mean?" I turned my head at her again and smiled a toothy smile. "This is New York City, what do you expect?" I joked. She didn't laugh, nor smile, she only looked me in the eyes, hers getting more worried by the second.

"What happened to your face?" My smile faded and so did my good mood. "Nothing."  In total panic I ran away from her, almost crying doing so. Stupidstupidstupidstupid! I bumped into someone and immediately got down to help the person get their stuff together. "Sorry." I murmured, not looking the person in the eyes.

"Peter?" The person asked. Oh God no, not another one. "Yes?" My hands began to shake. I stood up and put them in my pockets. I could see the legs and waist of the woman in front of me, but it didn't help me to figure out who I was. "I'm Pepper, remember?" She asked politely.

"Oh, yeah, hello Miss. Potts." We stood there in silence for a while and when I wanted to turn around to go find Mr. Stark I heard footsteps behind me. "Ah Pepper! Good, you found him. You can run hard you know?" I chuckled in response, trying not to look suspicious. "I train sometimes. But I have to go now, I'm already late."

Without giving the two women a chance to say goodbye, I began to walk, even though I had no idea where to go. "Shall I bring you?" Miss. Romanoff's voice sounded kinder than normal. I was doubting for a moment, but I still gave in. I knew I couldn't find it by myself, so I had to mide my bruises for two extra minutes.

"Are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to find out myself?" Miss. Romanoff asked after being silent for a while. "Nothing happened."
"I'm not stupid nor blind, tell me the truth."
"It's fine."
"No it's not."
"I said it's fine!" I snapped. We stopped walking and she put her hand on my shoulder. "Sorry." I said quietly, but loud enough to hear.

"It's just, I'm not used to all of.. this," I said, gesturing to the entire building, "so it is really hard if people keep pushing me on my first day." Miss. Romanoff nodded understandably. "I get it, I'm sorry." We walked in silence to Mr. Stark until we finally reached his lab. Before she opened the door, Miss. Romanoff looked at me. This was the first time i was brave enough to look her back in the eyes.

"Promise me you'll tell me soon?" I nodded. "Stay safe." She said as she walked away. "Kind of hard when there are people who hold guns to your head in this building!" I shouted after her. She chuckled and waved at me.

I let out a deep breath and opened the door to Mr. Stark's lab. The music he had on was playing hard through the speakers and he was building something with safety glasses on. I walked in and put down my backpack. As I was trying to get his attention by yelling, I realized he couldn't hear me.

I walked over to him and tapped him on his shoulder. He jumped a bit in the air before pulling off his glasses. "Oh, hey kid, thought you'd come here sooner." I chuckled nervously and scratched the back of my neck. "Yeah, I got lost." Mr. Stark laughed in response and put down his tools. "Tell me next time, I have no problem with picking you up- what happened to your face?!"

I mentally slapped myself on the head for being so reckless. "Oh, that, it's nothing, I promise." My spidersense began to tingle. I sniffed and smelled smoke. I looked at the project Mr. Stark was working on suspiciously. "Do you smell that too?" I asked, getting closer to the machine.

Suddenly it began to smoke worse and an alarm went off. "Peter!" Mr. Stark screamed and pulled me away. He protected me from the tiny explosion by pulling my tight in his stomach, his back facing the fire. I felt my left arm burn, and it hurt. But I was more worried about Mr. Stark. The explosion only lasted a few seconds, but enough to hurt the man badly.

"Mr. Stark? Are you okay?" He let go of me and fell to his knees. He grunted louder when my hand touched his back. The sprinklers went on and let water fall all over him and his project, which seemed to make the pain fade a little. "It's okay kid, only a few burns."

"A few burns are enough to have pain for weeks, let's go to the medical bay." I helped him stand up and looked at his back. His shirt was torn apart and, luckily, the burns indeed didn't seem so bad. "Do you have pain anywhere?" "I'm fine, I promise." I lied. While we were walking to the door, it opened with a lot of force and people came running in. The Avengers.

Oh shoot, not again..

Sorry, this chapter doesn't have any texting in it.
The next one will, I promise.
I have nothing else to say, so stay safe everyone.

Au revoir, little biscuits!
~Stressed girl

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now