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I was sitting in the last period of the day; history. It was boring, and the slow, uninteresting voice of the teacher didn't help with that. My exhaustion was about to take over again, but I knew I had to stay awake. I couldn't miss my internship today because of detention, that could cost me my job. And if I lost the internship, I wouldn't get paid anymore and that means living longer with my scanty amount of food.

"Hey loser." MJ whispered. I raised my eyebrows, waiting for her to say something. "First, the bags under your eyes have doubled, did you know? And second, do you want to hang out today?" I felt my cheeks turn red, so I put my head on my hands to hide them. But, of course, I put my head wrong so it slipped from my hands immediately and fell onthe table with a loud bang.

I rubbed my head and looked up to see the whole class look at me. My cheeks turned more red -if that was even possible- and I hid my nose inside the history book. "I know that we are talking about the world war two right now, but sounds effects aren't necessary Mr. Parker." The teacher said. The class laughed at his joke, making me think if I've ever been more embarrassed in my life. The answer: yes, but I'd rather not talk about that.

When the class turned around again to follow the lesson, I saw my chance to rub my head. It hurt pretty badly, and I could feel the bump starting to grow on my head. Due to my enhanced healing, it would be gone in two hours. But it still hurt. MJ laughed beside me. I realized I didn't answerher questions, so I quickly mentioned it before I'd start rambling about stupid things.

"And my answer is yes, by the way, to both questions, that is my answer, my answer is yes. Yes, yup, yeah, yippee, da, ja, oui... uhm, I mean yes. Yes is my answer. To both questions. Yes."

"You're rambling."
"I know."

The bell -finally- rang, helping me out of my humiliation. I sighed and packed my books into my backpack. I quickly walked out of the class, before I'd humiliate myself even more in one way or another. And believe me, I would. I've known myself for a while now, I could humiliate myself by looking out of the window.

Don't ask.

I walked towards my locker and grabbed all of my stuff before waiting outside of the school for MJ. After a few minutes I felt a tap on my shoulder. When i turned around, I saw MJ standing behind me. "How long have you been standing there?" I asked when we began to walk. "Long enough for you to be concerned." She responded dryly.

There was a moment of awkward silence between us, making me cough to make it even worse. She looked at me and smiled before she turned her gaze back to the ground. "Where are we going, actually?" She asked. Shit. I forgot I had the internship, I hope Mr. Stark doesn't mind. Wiping my sweaty hands on my jacket, I did a little prayer in my head for Mr. Stark to be okay with it.

"I actually have the internship, but maybe you can hang around with me there? I think my boss wouldn't mind, I'm ahead of my work anyway." I grabbed the straps of my backpack and tightened them to lose a bit of nervousness. "Are you scared of your boss?" MJ asked when she looked at my nervous tics. I looked up and widened my eyes.

"What? No! Nononononono! Mr. Stark is awesome, believe me!" I defended myself. "Then why are you so nervous?" I smiled at myself when I realized how good she could see through me. Maybe I was obvious, but I never heard anyone else ask me these things, so I'll take it as a win.

After a ten minute walk where MJ asked me questions about a book we both have been reading lately, we finally reached the tower. At first we went to the desk lady, Eliza King, to give MJ a visitor's badge. Normally she wasn't allowed to do this,but she said she trusted me with the responsibility to look over her.

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now