The Man

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I actually wanted to wait a few days before I'd post this chapter, but then everyone started begging and stuff. No, seriously, six people have their birthday today and wanted a new chapter as a gift. No idea if it's true but I can't say no now \(●~●)/

So, because I can't handle beggings, here's a new chapter! Enjoy!



"What the fuck!" I screamed when I saw the last message. Clint, Sam Rhodey and Scott all looked at their phone with the same reaction. I stood up and wanted to kick something, but everything inside the stupid bunker I was in was made of metal. At first it was a cell for villains, but be turned one into a safety bunker.

I decided it was worth my feet so I aggressively kicked the wall a few times. At some point it hurt and I  grabbed my foot in pain. I ran out of the bunker, not saying a word to the rest of the men that were sitting next to me. But they followed me like obeying puppy's and didn't say a word either.

I walked into the common rooms and saw almost half of the team aggressively typing on their phones. "Is he responding?" I asked. Steve shook his head disappointed. "Can you track him?" I made a hand signal for Friday to get my computer ready. "If I can track him? Of course I can track him! I'm Tony Stark for fucking sake!"

The glares that I got after that were intimidating, mostly Natasha's and Pepper's. I was sure I could hear Cap murmer something that sounded like "language." I sighed deeply. "I'm stressed okay!? And sorry Nat and Pepper, you can kick my ass later. This is about Peter!" Luckily, they nodded understandably and lowered their fists from which I hadn't realised they were in the air.

I sighed in relief and ran towards my lab where my laptop was ready to be used. The rest of the team followed me. Even in their steps I could hear their worry and fear for Peter's life. I sat down and typed rapidly on my laptop. "Someone try to call him, keep texting him. The others need to suit up. This might end up in a fight between life and death." Steve ordered. Scott called a few times while Wanda, Pietro, Clint and Bruce kept texting him and the chat, hoping for a response.

My heart jumped when I saw a red dot coming up on the radar. It said that Peter was still in New York, but it needed a few minutes before we knew where, because his phone was protected by a personal device. A little part inside of me was proud of his skills, but the other part hated it at this moment. I typed in more and more, trying to hack into his protection device. At some point, I succeeded. The red dot showed the street he was in, but not the building or alley or wherever he was. I tried to hack in more when Friday interrupted me.

"Sir, it seems like Peter's phone is destroyed. I remember the street, but my information doesn't go as far as a building."

"Fuck." I slammed my hand on the table. Everyone looked at me with worried eyes. "We need to go, now!" I tapped on my arc-reactor to make the suit appear. "Steve, Clint, Thor, Nat, Wanda, Pietro, Scott and I are going to look for Peter. Bruce, I don't think we need the big guy but can you get the medical bay ready? We might need it." I said when everyone arrived. I looked around to see that not everyone was in the room. "Where are Sam, Rhodey and Gamora?"

Natasha was sharpening her knives when she spoke, not looking up from her deadly weapons. "Gamora and Quill went to space just before Peter texted, they said Drax and Rocket needed help with something. Sam just disappeared, I have no clue where he is, we won't pick up the phone either. Rhodes said there was an important mission for him from the army, he also left before Peter texted."

"Then we need to do it with us eight, it should be enough." Clint reasoned. "Seven." Scott spoke up. I raised an eyebrow at him in confusion. "My suit, it's kind of, broken.." he fiddled with his fingers when he continued his story. "I am of no use without that suit, I'm not fast or strong so I'll only hold you guys up. Go without me, it's for the better." We all nodded, knowing that what he said was true. That guy can fight, but without his suit he could get killed.

"You can help me get the medical bay ready and give the rest instructions if they need to." Bruce said to comfort Scott, who was still looking at the ground in shame. Said man nodded and smiled. "Being him back alive for me, please." He walked out of the door with Bruce while we were getting ready to go.

A time skip given to you by my amazing cliffhangers

"So, everybody knows the plan?" Natasha asked from her earpiece. The familiar sounds of the motorcycle she was on were audible through the com. "I goddamn hope so." I responded. No one reacted to it to make clear everyone understood. I flew through the air and got ready on my position.

"Is everyone in their positions?" The whole team responded yes to Steve's question. "All right, Pietro, you know what to do."

A time skip to the past
(Is that even possible? *\(0○0)/*)

I was texting the group chat until I heard a noise from behind me. I turned around with my phone still on in case I needed help. I couldn't see anything, the only thing I saw was the emptiness of the streets. It was only 6 PM and there were not a lot of people outside. It was still busy, but only half of the normal population in the streets. I stood still, only to get pushed against a wall by a passing man who seemed late for something. I ignored the pain in my head the blow gave me and walked further.

I was about to text something about the crazy conversation they were having until someone pulled me inside an alley. A hand on my mouth made me unable the scream when I was pushed against a wall (again). I looked at the man in front of me, and what I saw made me shiver and tremble with fear. The recognisable face and the sickening grin that was plastered on it gave me memories I'd rather forget. I could recognise that grin everywhere.

"Hello Einstein." He said with the same smile on his face.

He removed his hand from my mouth. The first thing it did was fall open out of fear. I got my courage back together to speak up. "Skip? What are you doing here? You were out of town. You said you wouldn't come back." The venom in my voice was visible. I hated this man. I hated him. After all that he had done to me, I couldn't force myself to forgive him.

"I was." He began. He didn't move his arms from mine, so I was pinned against the wall. "But I came back after I got offered a really interesting job at Stark Industries. They said I could apply to become the assistant of Tony Stark and his personal intern who I assume is you." My heart sunk when he said that. All of my strength sunk in my shoes. I was terrified, it seemed like my whoke body wasn't able to move out of fear.

"What?" My voice was high and weak like a tiny animal looking for its mother. Skip only nodded and the grin became wider. "Yeah, my boss wanted me to apply for SI to get information about the Avengers and Tony Stark, but when I realized I was about to work for an old friend, I thought this task would become a lot more interesting." I shook my head, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "I don't- I don't understand? Why would your boss want information? Why do you want me to give it to you?"

Skip's fingers pressed deeper in my arms and I was sure he made cuts in them with his fingernails. I let out a weak yelp of pain, even though it didn't hurt much. I became weak because I was afraid. Afraid of him. "And you and I both know very well you always tell me your secrets." He whispered in my ear. "Not after you betrayed my trust." I whispered back.

"Now, I guess my boss would find it lovely to meet you." His grip around my left arm got more tight and he dragged me inside a car. When he locked the door to step in himself, I saw my chance and texted the group chat.


I find this very exciting myself, so there probably will be another chapter tonight :))

Shizzle Dizzle!
~Regina George

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