I Care About You

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"For the last time, I said no!"

"Oh, come on, pretty please?"

The way Clint was looking at me was absolutely ridiculous. He tried to put on puppy-doe eyes, but he looked like he had to hold a fart. As soon as I opened my mouth to argue Natasha came in, giving both of us a glare. She looked from me to Clint, and back at Clint. A deep sogh was heard from her mouth.

"What is it this time?" She asked, rubbing her face with her hand in annoyance. I crossed my arms and looked Clint in the eyes. He was doing the same, so we looked like two children having a fight about a stuffed animal.

"Clint wants to visit Peter and play pranks with him." He looked at Natasha with hopeful eyes, trying to convince her since he knows I'm kind of afraid of her. Natasha shook her head. "No Clint, that is too risky. What if you let slip out something about us being the friends of Mr. Old?"

"Or worse," I filled in the sentence, "what if you hurt him?" It was only then when I realized Sam was standing a few feet away, watching the conversation. He was holding in a laugh and looked at me with a look I couldn't place. "What do you want, flying fiasco?" I asked, quite annoyed by the two birds.

"You have no idea how much you sound like a dad, do you?" I grabbed a spoon from the table and threw it at him, nearly missing his head. I turned to Clint and gave him another glare, the same like the last twenty two I sent to his direction. "I am going to visit Peter, you'll stay away from him, capiche?"

Before he could answer I turned around and walked towards the medical bay, where Peter is recovering. I made a mental note to never say anything about the group chat or Mr. Old, since I could feel I would screw that up.

At moments like this I didn't know how to feel about my fast healing. It was good because the pain didn't last long, but if I wanted to stay a secret, my metabolism wasn't helping with that.

The nice part of it all, I could barely feel my stomach anymore. But it could make the doctors suspicious if I was completely healed after just one day after the surgery. I stood up from my bed and pulled out the IV, which wasn't doing much at the moment. Out of boredom I began walking through the room. I could text Mr. Old, but I didn't want to bother him.

I heard a knock at the door but before I could answer it already opened. I looked over my shoulder and saw Mr. Stark standing in front of me. At first he smiled, but then his face turned into a frown. "Kid, aren't you supposed to be in bed?" I chuckled, it seems like everyone cares about me right now. Mr. Old, his friends and now Mr. Stark.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked. I waved it away with my hand and a friendly smile. "No it's nothing Mr. Stark, you just sound the same as a friend of mine. Oh wait, you know him, Mr. Old, I mean." Before I would start rambling I shut my mouth straight. Mostly when I was talking too much it would end in a slap in my face. I looked down at the ground and put my hands in my pockets.

Suddenly I felt two strong arms around my body. At first I tensed up, not really aware about what was going on, but after a few seconds, I embraced him back. We stood there for a good few minutes until Mr. Stark finally decided to let go. I chuckled and looked at him unbelievably. "What was that for?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders in response. "I am just very glad that you are okay." I looked at him even more confused. "Why? We have never even met." It sounded kind of rude, but it was already too late to apologise. I could feel my cheeks turn red and I looked at my hands in shame.

"Actually, I don't know. Sometimes you just see someone and know in an instant that you care about them." I smiled at him, not knwing what to say. "T-thank you..?" He laughed. "Was that a question or an answer?"

"An answer?" I said, not realising how stupid I sounded. He laughed again. "Sure kid, sure."

His face dropped again when he saw my black eye and the dried wound on my head. "Are you really sure you don't want to find the guy? It is really hard for me to not go look for him and kill him."

"Honestly, same." A voice from the hallway said. The person walked in and I saw Natasha Romanoff walking in. My jaw dropped and after a awkward meeting between us we started talking. After an hour or so I realized Mr. Stark left us to let us talk. I promised myself to apologise to him later on the day, but first I was enjoying the talk with Miss. Romanoff.

I had a lot to tell Mr. Old and his friends tonight.

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now