Gotta Pee

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Well hello there

Look who finally decided to check out the update.

No just kidding y'all must've been gathering your knives because you realized I was still alive and that I could've updated ages ago
Sorry for that btw please don't kill me

Kay imma just get to the point now: new chapter!

Previously on Wrong Number, Kid:
Sike you gotta reread the last chapter you lazy biacth


Guys I really gotta pee

Mr. Bird
For God's sake we've talked about this Peter.

If you gotta go you gotta go, no need to ask us for permission.

Oh I know that I'm allowed to, but I can't pee and I'm dying a little right now

Mr. Little
Because you have to pee?

Oh yeah also because of that

But I meant internally

Mr. Little

Mr. Steve
We'll talk about that later.

For now, why can't you pee Peter?

I thought you guys already landed.

Yeah we did and now we're at Oscorp but when I went to my parents' lab Mr. Stark wasn't allowed to come with me so I had to go in alone and then the door locked and it was really dark and scary so I climbed inside the vents and overheard a conversation between two men and now I know that Oscorp is secretly X

So now I'm inside the vents

And I gotta pee


Mr. Bird
Wait you're in the vents?

I think I've said that at least three times by now but yeah I am

Mr. Bird
Why did you think of doing that?

Mr. Stark would say that I hang out with Hawkeye too much

Mr. Bird
I am so proud right now.

Miss. Pep
I am so confused right now what is going on?

Are you okay Peter?

I'm sorry Miss. Pep but I won't be able to explain it better than I just did O__O

And I am okay

Besides the fact that I really have to pee

Miss. Nat
Wasn't X the organisation that kidnapped you a while ago?

Oh why don't you just bring up one of the most traumatic things of my life sure go ahead

But yes that's true

But how do you know?

I only told the Avengers what their name was

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now