The Letter

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"May, I'm home!" I yelled as I placed my keys on the little table next to the front door. New bills lay on it as well; unopened and ready to be thrown away. I sighed as I grabbed a few of them. For the last few weeks that I had been home from the medical bay, I have been trying to pay as much bills as I could. The internship didn't pay me enough for all of them, so I had to take another job at Delmars. It didn't pay half as good as the internship, but I had to do something. I couldn't just jump by at the tower every day in the hope to get some more money. Almost all of the people who lived there had once been assassins, they would immediately see something was wrong.

Then I saw it. All the way at the bottom of the pile of bills lay a letter. It seemed to be old since the usually white paper had turned yellow and the name that was written on the top was slowly fading away. I could still read what it said though.

To my dear Peter, the boy who will always be in my heart.

The graceful blue letters were written in a beautiful handwriting I didn't recognise. It wasn't from May, but it wasn't from Ben either. I couldn't imagine anyone else who loved me enough to write me a letter. Well, of course we had the groupchat and the Avengers, but the letter seemed to be written too long ago for one of them to do it.

There was a little mubmle from the living room, but I was too much in trance to listen to what May said. I stuffed the letter in my pocket and tried to act like nothing is wrong. "Didn't you hear what I said?" May grumbled as she looked up from her magazine. I gulped away some nervous spit and shook my head. "I asked why you're not at your job." She took a sip from her glass which was surprisingly not filled with alcohol. Usually she would start drinking when I got home from school.

"I just got back from school, my job starts in thirty minutes. I came here to drop my stuff." I responded, putting my backpack down in the corner of the hallway. I grabbed all of the bills and walked towards May. I put them down on the little coffeetable in front of the couch she sat on. She looked up from her magazine and put on a disgusted face when she saw the large pile of bills laying in front of her. "They keep getting bigger and bigger. I think you need to take another job." She said. My mouth fell open as her last words sunk in. Did she really expect me to pay all of these? I clenched my fists so hard that my nails were digging in my skin and my knuckles turned white.

"I can't' I mumbled, trying to hide my anger. May looked up with a deadly look in her eyes. 'What was that?" She said as she put the stuff she was holding away. I took a little step back in fear of what she could do. I gulped once again and looked down at my clenched fists. "I said I can't." I repeated. She stood up and walked towards me. Her finger was pointing at me and almost touching my chest. The way she walked, talked and moved scared me, so with each step she took I took one step back.

"What do you mean 'I can't'? Do you have any idea what will happen when the bills don't get paid? I will lose my house, my car, there will be no food and then we need to crash somewhere before there is enough money for a new house. If you decide to throw everything away, you should know that there won't be any chance to graduate. Now, go behind that laptop of yours and find an extra job if you don't want to live like a burden."

Her voice was slow, threatening even. At the end of her short lecture my back was already pinned against the wall. Her pointy finger was pressed against my chest, and she kept pressing while she talked. I tried to look her in the eyes, to let her know I wasn't afraid.

"It doesn't seem to be my job the pay the bills, does it?" She looked taken aback by my sudden reaction, since this was the first time I talked back. She put her finger down and did a step back, but the murderous look in her eyes wasn't gone yet. "Did you just talk back to me? You know how much I hate it when children talk back." The fear was back in my veins, it pumped itself through my body and made all of my limbs shake. I tried to keep myself toghether when I stared talking.

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