Before She Comes Home

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Alright, first I wanna say that the discussion between Spideychelle and Spideypool was sooooooooo confusing lmao. The results were 25 against 27, but I won't tell who won until the end of the chapter >:)


I slowly put the key in the door and turned it around. The click at gave was louder than normal, making me wonder if May had been home for the past five weeks. When I stepped into the apartment, my question was answered; no. One window stood open, making the house colder than it was oudside. The wind that blew in through the open glass had blown all of the bills and other papers over the floor. The fruit that lay on the kitchen counter was rotten and when I smelled around the kitchen, I knew the rest of the food was as well.

I put my keys down on the table and slowly walked through the house. "May?" I called carefully. I grabbed a knife from the holder in case someone came in to murder me of give me vitamin gummys. I placed my fingers gently around the handle and held the weapon near my face. I placed my back against the wall and opened the door to May's room with my other hand. The door squeaked a bit when it opened. "May?" I asked. When I didn't get a response, I embraced myself by letting out a deep breath.

I turned my head around the corner to look in her room. It was surprisingly clean, probably because all of her clothes that normally lay around all over the floor were put back in the closet. I dared to pet my body round the corner as well. This time with the knife a bit lower, but I didn't loosen my grip on it. "May?" I asked once again. I looked around her room, noticing that her scent wasn't as strong there as it used to be.

I grimaced at the suspicious room. This wasn't normal. I went back to the living room and cleaned up the papers. I'll sort them out later, I tought to myself. I grabbed the empty bottles of wine and beer and put them in the cupboard under the sink. I threw all of the rotten fruit that lay on the old kitchen counter away in the litter bin. I opened the fridge, only to get attacked by the horrible smell straight away. I put my hand over my mouth and nose in an instict and backed away a little.

"Gosh, what do we have in there? Dead cows?" I mumbled to myself. I decided to clean the whole thing after I was done throwing all of the food away. I grabbed the litter bin and put it right beside me to pour all of the rotten food in it and as a place for me to throw up into. My heightened senses made the smell ten times worse.

When I was done, the garbage can was completely filled with food, flies and puke. I had no idea where the flies came from, but that says something about the smell. As I puked another tome, I wondered what could possibly come out, since this was the fifth time in the past twenty five minutes. When I looked at it, I saw that it was only a bit of sour which was probably the only thing left in my stomach.

I held my head above the can for a few extra minutes in case I needed to throw up again. I did gag a few times, but nothing came out. Probably because there was nothing left in my body. Slowly standing up, I felt an headache coming up. Pills pills pills pills, was the only thing I could think while searching for my backpack. It was in my vision, only a few feet away, but it came closer and faded away all the time.

I stumbled towards it, bumping my side against the table and almost hitting my head against the wall. I grabbed the wall for balance and let my body weight lean on it. A loud tone in my ears made my concentration even worse. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth in the hope it would go away. It'll go away if you take your pills, a voice in my head said. I nodded and opened my eyes again.

I only put one foot in front of the other and I immediately fell with my nose flat on the ground with a loud thud. Groaning slightly, I crawled towards my backpack and grabbed the handle. I pulled it to my body and held it tightly while opening it to search for the pills. Of course, it was all the way at the bottom, so it took very long before I found them. I opened the bottle and tried to read the little piece of paper with instructions, but it was all blurry. I blinked a few times and shook my head to make the dizziness go away, but I only made it worse.

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now