Group Chat

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Already have a groupchat.

Why did we make another group?

And why is it called "Mr. Old's friends"?

Mr. Old

Hey everyone! :D

Mr. Bird
Hey kid!

Who is that?

Mr. Bird
In my defence, I didn't make the group!

I did.

Mr. Old
Lady Russia! You traitor!

Lady Russia?

Miss. Nat
You can call me Nat.

Mr. Steve
Hey Peter, I'm Steve!

Mr. Green
Call me green.

Why? Do you like salad?

Mr. Green can say that..

Mr. Thunder
I'm thunder.

Mr. Soldier
Call me soldier.

Mr. Little
You can call me little.

Miss. Gamora
Call me Gamora, she is my favourite Guardian.

Mr. Footloose
I'm Footloose.

Mr. Steve
I should've chosen for a nickname.

Mr. Wing
Call me wing.

Mr. Machine
You can call me machine.

This is not fair! You all DO know my name!

Now I only know Mr. Steve's

Mr. Soldier
Mr. Steve?

I don't want to be rude

Miss. Nat
So you've put 'mr' or 'miss' in front of every name?


Mr. Little
I want to keep him.

Mr. Old
Hey! He's mine! I found him!

Mr. Bird
Well, he likes me the most!

Mr. Machine
Little, you already have kids.

Mr. Little

So you guys are pedophiles!

Mr. Thunder

Miss. Gamora


Miss. Gamora
Is a pedophile bothering you?

What?! No!

I was just messing around, jeez

Mr. Soldier
Too bad, I'm in the mood to kill someone.

Miss. Nat
Me too.

Mr. Steve
Don't you dare!

Mr. Green
Ignore them Peter.

Mr. Old told me you're very smart, do you like science?

Lemme think, yEAH!
Science is my life!

Mr. Wing
What the actual frick was that?



Mr. Old
Kid not this again.

Okay, first of all, you must be very old because that was an emoticon

Second, the baby is still too little to hear swearing words

Mr. Steve
I am so proud.

Miss. Pep
Hey Peter! You can call me Pep.

Mr. Old
Why not mrs. Old?

Miss. Pep
Because I don't want to sound old.

Mr. Green
What kind of science do you like?

Kind of everything, I'm good at it so that makes it even more cool

But the best books are the ones from Bruce Banner, I am kind of a fan

Mr. Green
Wait, really?

Hehe, yeah

His books about Gamma Radiation are really interesting

Mr. Footloose
Okay, I'm out.

Mr. Old
Go watch Footloose or something.

Mr. Footloose
I was just about to, so joke's on you!

*le gasp* I'm so proud

Finally someone with the same culture

Mr. Footloose
Ha! He likes me the most!

Everyone but Peter:
No he doesn't!!

Wrong Number, Kid 《Completed》Where stories live. Discover now