Chapter Three - The closet

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Finn's POV-

I finally got home from detention, I opened my house door with the key I keep on my lanyard for school where I kept my ID, I walked to the kitchen grabbed a bag of chips and headed to my room. I threw my bookbag down and jumped onto my bed, and started to think. "And so what if I do like Millie, is that really such a bad thing, I mean it could be, we are friends, but not best friends so it wouldn't be bad if I get rejected because we barely have a friendship." I don't know.

I got up from my bed and did my homework for a good hour and a half, more sick of equations by the second, finally I finished getting a text on my phone, its from Iris, I never get texts from her, I wonder what's up. She said, "hola" with the smiling emoji, which is weird because we never talk other then if I'm in a group chat with her and my other friends, but never alone, and she's not even spanish, at least I don't think she is. So I just replied with "hey what's up", because well-I really didn't know. "Oh I'm just bored, I wanted to text someone" I was confused on why she picked me of all people to text so we just talked. The conversation went on way longer than I expected but turns out she's pretty cool, to be honest I'm not sure how much we talked because but I barely got any sleep. We told each other so much, and laughed a lot.

The next day at school was weird, Iris saw me in the hall and walked towards me slowly, then she got close and said "last night, talking to you, it was a lot of fun, your a really great person Finn" Then without hesitation, she leaned in and I looked at her, my face red as ever, then I felt lips touch mine, I let it happen, I was both confused but my questions were answered, it's because she liked me, I blushed, thinking wow someone actually likes me.

She leaned back from the kiss, she fell back looking down at the ground shyly, I didn't want her to be nervous about what she did, so I put my hand beneath her chin and lifted her face so we looked into each others eyes, I think I like her too, So looking into her green eyes, I kissed her again this time leaving my lips on hers a little longer. To show her I liked her back.

Iris POV-

I felt Finn's lips back on mine, as I was smiling into it. To be honest, I've liked Finn for quite a while. But he's always talking to that bitch Millie, she always has to take him away from me. Like she acts like such a hoe, back off already you have a boyfriend. Anyways, now that I kissed him and he kissed me back it made my heart flutter. We stopped and we kept keeping strong eye contact until his phone rang, it was Noah, couldn't be worse timing, I was enjoying that last.

Finn looked at me with this apologizing face that said sorry I have to take this call, but I knew he kept wanting to kiss me. He took a few steps back and answered the call, me still standing there realizing his lips tasted like mint, probably from the chapstick I always see him put on, I twisted my hair in my finger, never thinking this day would come where Finn would be mine and I would be his, but I loved it.

Finn ended the call with Noah and walked towards me, sorry about that, and looked into my eyes, and continued where we left off, not leaving my lips until the late bell rang, we both laughed and that's when our lips separated, without saying bye we hugged each other and left to out classes, turns out we were in the same first period but never realized I guess because he didn't really pay any mind to me, but now he definitely does, that makes me happy, just knowing he likes me back.

Finn's POV-

I tried to wrap my head around what just happened with Iris, I like her, I definitely do, but what I didn't get was just a day ago I thought I liked Millie. But I don't want to leave Iris. She is such a cool girl and really pretty and I actually I really like her, I want to be with her and that I believe.

Iris's POV-

I got a note from Finn to meet him in the janitors closet. I smiled and walked there. I turned the knob and I didn't even put a foot through the door and all of a sudden, two hands squeezed my cheeks, pulled me and sloppily kissed my lips. I then realized it was Finn and then placed my hands at his jawline then moved up and pulled his curly hair. He groaned, and then picked me by my waist and I wrapped my legs around his hips. We then made out more before we realized that lunch was almost over. so we left the janitor's closet surprised by what just happened.

Omg this means he really likes me :)

Finn's POV-

What I did with her during lunch shocked me, it was so unlike me, but the whole time I was doing it-I was thinking of Millie. :/ Does that make me a bad person?   


 Thank you @filevenfizz for helping me with some of the ideas for this chapter, I was really stuck.This chapter was spicy let me know if you want more let me know in the comments how you like it.

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