chapter seventeen | wrong spot <3 the end

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Finn's POV-

"Mom? Is that you?" I ask. "Yes honey I'm here don't worry calm down." She comforted. "Where am I what happened to me?" I looked around. A hospital? What the hell? "Finn honey you were in a car accident." My mom said running her hand through my hair. A car accident? I don't remember. "W-where was I going, I don't remember anything!" I ask in panic. "Finn you sent me a text before you left, you were going to millies house. Do you remember millie?" She asks me while fixing a piece of the bandage that was out of place. "Millie?" I think about it. Then. oh my goodness! "Millie... MILLIE! Where is she! Is she okay. I was going to talk to her. Oh my god I remember! Mom I need to see her where is she? Did she go? I saw her like a couple minutes ago right?" I sit up, remembering everything that happened. "Hey hey hey calm down I think she is still here. Do you want me to get her?" My mom asked, trying to help me. "Yes bring her here please." I say almost shaking because everything's that's happened.

Millie's POV-

Mary walks into the waiting room. I'm still crying with my knees up and my hands over my face. "Millie honey, Finn, he remembers. He wants to see you." Mary says calmly and hopefully. My head shoots up, he remembers he remembers! and I run to the room, Almost stumbling like I can't even walk, I push the doors open and run to his hospital bed and jump into his arms Not asking if it was okay with him. "Finn! Oh my god Finn!" Another tear comes running down my face and he hugs me back "It's okay millie don't cry. I'm fine." He says calmly. Which makes me sob even more. "don't scare me like that Finn! I thought- I thought you wouldn't remember me!" I say with my broken voice. "I won't ever forget you millie...I'm okay. I'm okay." he says and he runs his hand throught my hair, I lift my head up, I look him dead in the eyes and I didn't care anymore I knew I had to, I didn't even think, I lean in, my lips connected with his and I kissed him, he kissed back. I parted our lips, realizing what I just did. "I- Im sorry I didn't mean to-" he cuts me off. "No-no don't apologize Millie please." and with that he kissed me again this time with more passion when we parted I laid next to him in peaceful silence with my head on his chest. "Finn theres something I need to tell you." I bit my lip. "What's wrong" he asks, wiping an old tear off my cheek with his thumb. "I-I" pause "it's okay mills you can tell me anything." He caressed my hair. I have to say it. "I love you too finn. I really do. I'm in love with you." His eyes widened. "Millie..." he hugs my tighter. "I never thought you'd say that" He says, caressing my hair with his hand "I'm so sorry Finn!" I say, about to cry again. "Why are you sorry?" Finn asks, finding my hand and holding it tight. "I'm sorry for leaving you! This never would have happened if I didn't." I say sadly, realizing this is my fault. "Baby, this is not your fault at all, please never say that, I'm perfectly fine and even better with you here." Finn says kissing my forehead, all I could think about was that he just called me baby, aww he called me baby! I blushed. When he noticed my cheeks turning red, he smiled "I won't ever let you go again." I say hugging him again. "I know you won't, I won't either, I love you millie brown." I closed my eyes, I don't ever want this moment to end. Then the nurse walked in. Of course perfect timing I rolled my eyes. "Um ma'am you cannot be in his bed with him" the nurse said with attitude. "Oh I'm sorry I'll go." I said nervously. "No she's fine right here" Finn puts his hand on top of mine to stop me from leaving. "Sir you just woke up from a coma you need to relax so if she doesn't leave I'll have to escort her myself." I scoff and rub Finns shoulder, "it's fine Finn, I'll see you in a few." He furrows his eyebrows "fine." He says letting go of my hand, I give him a small smile, he did the same. I leave the room so Finns mom and the nurse could talk about what's to come.

I sat patiently in the waiting room while Finns mom talked to the nurse inside the room. I figured now was the time to catch Sadie up with all that's happened.

Sadie- I'm so happy for you millie. You must be so happy oh wait I mean *happy in love* 😍😍

Millie- I mean your not wrong Sadie, your not wrong 🙃

I look up seeing the nurse walk out and his mom waving me back to the room.

Millie- I'll talk to you later, their letting me back in the room

Sadie- alright I'll see you later

I opened the door to his room, "I'll leave you two alone," his mom said leaving the room with a quick wink, he smiled immediately as did I. I walked over to his hospital bed and laid next to him, with his arm around me. I smiled "So what did the doctor say?" I asked him as I scoot a little closer. "Well I could leave tomorrow but I'll be in crutches and i'll be able to take the bandage off my head" I frowned, I felt bad "hey why are you still sad be happy, your with me!" Finn joked "yeah I am" I smiled and reached up to give him a kiss on the cheek. Then he furrowed his eyebrows and frowned. "What?" I asked "you kissed me in the wrong place" he joked and grinned, "oh my bad Mr. Wolfhard, where was I supposed to kiss you?" I played along. Then he puckered his lips and pointed to them. "Right here." He said holding in a laugh. "Oh ok I see." I say sarcastically. Then on purpose I kiss him on his nose. "Oopsie I misse-" before I could finish, he rolled his eyes and took my face in both his hands bringing it closer to his and he stole his kiss, I smiled into it. When we parted I laughed. "There ya go." He says accomplished. I slapped his shoulder playfully. "Oh my god millie that hurt so bad" finn said over dramatically "oh my goodness Finn" I shake my head, then look up to him and smile, which makes him smile, I move closer to him and wrap my arm around his stomach and hugged him tight. "What's this for?" He asked hugging me back. "Do I have to have a reason to hug yo- my boyfriend?" I say confidently and he smiled and hugged me tighter, I guess he was surprised that I called him that. "and I don't know I just missed you so much and I'm so glad your okay, and we're okay." I closed my eyes while he placed his hand on my head and the other around my waist. "me too...I love you mills." He smiled and closed his eyes. After a few moments I didn't answer he asked "millie?" "You still there?" He opened his eyes and looked down at the girl that fell asleep in his arms, "your so...pretty" Finn says and with that he closed his eyes and went to sleep, dreaming about his life to come with his love, Millie brown.

Friends? has finally come to an end, I really hoped you enjoyed my first book, I'm working on my new book now and I'm not sure when it will be out. I don't think I will be creating a sequel to "friends?" but if anyone wants it I may have a few ideas for it, I'm really not sure if anyone actually wants it but anyways thank you if u did read this, I love you guys! bye bye <3

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