chapter twelve | those bitches

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millie's POV-

I woke up really early this morning because I couldn't wait to see Finn again, I got dressed put some makeup on and grabbed my bag and read the text from Finn

Finn- morning mills, I'm outside ❤️

Millie- coming 🥰

I quickly got outside to find Finn sitting in his car with the music on, "hey finnie" I said as I got in the car "good morning millie I missed you" Finn said as he gave me a hug and a kiss on the forehead "I missed you more" I said trying not to laugh because I was so happy "not possible" Finn said as he looked me in the eye and fixed a strand of my hair by putting it behind my ear.

"Ooo what's this song called, I really like it" I asked curiously as we drove off for school. "Only the greatest song ever, it's called my kind of woman" Finn said as he rocked his hair back and forth as he tapped to the beats on his steering wheel.

Oh baby, oh man

You're making me crazy, really driving me mad

That's all right with me, it's really no fuss

As long as you're next to me, just the two of us

"Just the two of us, yeah they got that right" Finn said as he looked over to millie and smiles "only us" Millie replies then he sang the next part,

"You're my, my, my, my kind of woman My, oh my, what a girl You're my, my, my, my kind of woman And I'm down on my hands and knees Begging you please, baby, show me your world"

"Omg Finn! your voice! it's so amazing" Millie said as he sang, "trust me your voice is more amazing and you're not even singing" Finn said as he pulled into the school parking lot and smiled while Millie blushed. "Dang it we're here now I have to wait to see you again" Millie said as they made their way to the entrance, "definitely the worst part of the day, but I'll see you at lunch!" Finn said as he finally let go of my hand that he held onto for the whole way here, "I'll be waiting" I said as I gave a big smile to him and made my way to Sadie's locker all happy.

"Heya Sadie" I said while bumping into her locker. "Hey Millie, awww you're so happy I love seeing you like this." Sadie said as she gave me a hug. "Finn is so much fun, he's so nice and he-" I went on but Sadie stopped me "alright lover bird save your blabbering for the guy himself, we have to get to math class now"


It's finally lunch time but I just got a text from Finn.

Finn- I'm so sorry millie I'm not going to be able to go to lunch, my dumbass Spanish teacher needs time to redo a test I didn't pass :(

Millie- aww really 🥺

Finn- hey how about you just come to my house after school, I feel like I haven't seen you all day

Millie- sounds good finnie, can't wait <3

Finn- ❤️❤️

"So where's wolfhard?" Jack asked from across the table, He's sitting with Wyatt so I believe he already told everybody about Them which is good because I can't wait to make fun of their cute relationship. "He needed to take a spanish test." I said as I took another bit of my pizza. "Oh alright and btw I ship you and Finn you guys are like the cutest couple in the school" "oh I know thanks jack" I said proudly of my relationship "Watch out, Millie, bitch alert coming this way" Sadie said warning me that lilia Maddie and iris were walking to us.

"Oh hey millie how do Finns lips taste, I heard you guys really did it" Maddie said as she started to "mimic'' Millie, "oh Finn ooo Finn" lilia Maddie and iris laughed, "and that's what we are going to tell the whole school too" lillia threatened. "W-what are you talking about?" I said, I wanted to cry. I don't want everyone in school thinking I'm a whore. "You know exactly what I'm talking about, you and Finn obviously you guys did it" iris said finally speaking up. "OMG you guys have nothing better to do than pick on everyone can't you guys give it up no one's gonna believe three assholes like you!" Sadie said "just wait and see little girls... wait and see when the whole school see that Millie here is the school slut" Maddie said as they finally started to walk away.

"Wait wait wait you are finn had-" Jack asked but everyone at once cut him off "NO!"

"Now what they fuck am I going to do! They are gonna tell every one that me and Finn d-did who knows what the fuck! Well it was great knowing you guys but I don't think you want to be best friends with the school slut, I don't need to go to my next classes...I'm going home."I said getting my stuff and walking out. "Millie wait!"Sadie tried to get me back. "No it's okay Sadie I just want to go home I'll talk to you later." I said and walked home.


Finn's POV-

I finished my spanish test early and now I am able to go surprise millie at lunch.

"Hey guys? W-where's Millie?" I noticed she wasn't there when I got to the lunch table.

Everyone looked at each other when Sadie looked me in the eye and said, "Finn she went home." "W-what why, she was supposed to come to my house later what happened?" I asked worried about her. "Iris Maddie and lilia came over today and told us they were gonna tell the whole school that you and her had you know what so she didn't want any of us to go with her she just went home." Sadie said disappointingly. "I swear I'm gonna kill those fucking bitches." I said, they have messed with Millie enough she doesn't deserve any of this. I have to go talk to her, but first I'm gonna go find Noah and tell him that his girlfriend iris is a complete bully!


I found Noah a couple tables down, he was sitting alone only with Caleb? "Noah can you please tell your girlfriend iris and and her bitch friends to stop bullying Millie she doesn't deserve this-" Noah cut me off "she isn't my girlfriend, Finn I'm sorry that I went behind your back to be with her, she is a bitch and I just want my friend back, please forgive me man" Noah begged and claleb spoke,"I told him not to." "shut it caleb!" Noah fired back. "I forgive you noah I overreacted I don't even care about Iris she's an ass and a bully but since you can't help with this situation I have to go right now I'll talk to you later man, oh and hey caleb" I said now running for the exit so I can find Millie.


I got in the car and called her. No answer "'I'm coming Mills"

Millie's POV-

Great Finns calling and for all I know he's probably on his way over here right now. "How did I know" I said right when I heard the doorbell ring, I went downstairs and open the door I couldn't even speak because he pulled me right into his arms, "Millie are you okay I can't believe those-" he began but I couldn't let him, I broke hold of him and looked him in the eye when I said "Finn we can't be together" 

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