chapter fourteen | how he really feels about you

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Millie's POV-

It has been about two days since I had Finn over, we had been the perfect little couple and Iris and her two bitches seemed to be gone but little did I know that today I would receive all of hell, I walked into school hand in hand with Finn's but all I got were stares and murmurs. Whispers were heard from all distances, "did you hear about what Finn and Millie did...I hear Millie slept with Finn and now she's pregnant...Omg Millis is having Finn's baby?...Millie is such a little slut she should just die already...can she kill herself" I tried to ignore it I really tried but I couldn't, I pulled out of Finn's hold and ran out the school door, I didn't care if I would miss the whole day, I didn't want to be there. I was mad, furious, maybe they're right, I should just die.

Finn's POV-

"Mills, what's wrong" "Are you serious Finn? What's wrong? What's wrong! Did you not just hear what they were saying about us?! No not us, they were talking about me!" She screamed, "Do you pay attention to shit?! Do you even care that they are calling me a slut and that I should kill myself! Do you even care! I mean I could! Maybe I should, No one would notice that just millie was gone! Because they would just notice the school's slut is gone! Huh Finn? Huh!....yeah nothing to say right?" She yelled. "Millie It's okay they are just bullies, don't pay attention to it." I tried. "No! I can't just ignore it! They say this stuff about me not about you so of course it doesn't bother you! I'm sorry but you can't just ignore something that will live on forever." She was angry. "Millie-" "No I don't want to hear it Finn, I'm mad and you can't help right now, I can't even show my face at school, whatever Finn I'll see you later, bye." she said with a straight face, not a hug or anything, just a bye. What does that mean, bye as in I'm breaking up with you or bye I need some time. "Mills, wait, talk to me" I said, trying to catch her before she left. "Bloody hell Finn! I don't want to talk, just leave me alone!" she said forcefully. So I did, I left her be, but that wasnt the end, I marched back into the school and on the top of my lungs yelled, "Are you fucking happy! you assholes bullied her until she felt like she couldn't even show her face! You should be really proud of all the lies because none of them are true, me and Millie are just dating! All we have ever done was kiss, so all the lies and rumors you've been spreading can go right up your asses! You fucking bullies!" I said as I walked to my next class, shoving whoever was in my way.

Millie's POV-

I get home and lock myself in the bathroom, tears run down my face, I'm gonna be the laughing stalk of school, they said bad enough stuff in front of me, who knows what people are saying about me behind my back when I'm not there. They are right, I should just die, I wouldn't have to deal with their bullying, no one cares about me. In that moment I didn't even think any more, I wanted it to be over, I quickly grabbed my razor from the sink and ran over my arm over and over rougher and rougher until I let out a scream, "AH" I saw blood dripping down my arm, d-did I just cut myself, more anger built up in me that pain from the cuts distracted me from the hurt I felt at school, so I kept going, my upper arm cover in scratches and cuts, I sobbed louder, but the pain was much greater, the razor still on my arm and tears on my face but I Immediately stop when I heard my doorbell ring, I quickly wiped my tears and grabbed my bath robe to cover my arm that held all my cuts.

"Sadie? what the hell!" I said as I almost closed the door on her, I didn't want anyone here right now, especially with me like this. "Millie I heard what happened-" Sadie began but I cut her off, "yeah that's the problem, everyone heard! Everyone is listening to lies that aren't even true and that are going to make me the bad guy! Listen I thank you for coming her but I am NOT in the mood so I say this as nice as I can for you to get the fuck out and leave me alone!!" I yelled as sadies face turned completely shocked, I had never talked to her like this before. "Millie u-ur bleeding!" Sadie said pointing to my arm. "I-it's just a cut! Just please leave." I said covering my arm even more. "But-" Sadie tried. "Now!" And with that Sadie turned around and walked out and I closed the door and fell to the ground, and cried. Then I looked up, ahead of me was the kitchen. I remember my dad saying a week ago that he was really stressed and so he drank some alcohol, maybe that will help me too. I got up and made my way to the kitchen holding my cut so it didn't bleed. I grabbed a cup and poured some wine into it. It is my first time drinking and wow it was amazing, I feel great and I can't even feel the cuts on my arm, all my troubles faded, I drank another sip, the more I swallowed the less I felt, now I get what my dad was talking about. I laughed even though no one was there.

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