Chapter eight | truth or dare

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Sadie's POV-

"Well this was fun and all but hows about we go back to my house for a little after party." Sadie asked the small group that were all sweating from dancing. "Let's get our after party on!" Caleb said comfortally.

While Wyatt and Jack were already walking out, "Wait guys! You're not going to come?" Millie asked. "Um we're not sure, I mean it's pretty late." Wyatt said nervously like he always is. "Common boys it'll be fun!" Millie begged. "Fine we will stop by, but not for long" Jack gave in. "Hell yeah" Finn said, excitedly. "How bout you, Gaten? Liz?" Finn asked the couple. "Uh yeah! We are always down to party!" Gaten said as he picked up lizzy and spun her around.

Later at the party

Sadie was in the kitchen preparing drinks to give out, Caleb, Finn and Gaten in the living room on the Wii playing Mario, while Wyatt and Jack watched and laughed at them. While Lizzy, and Millie stood in the space that divides the kitchen and living room on their phones.

Millie's POV-

"So guys what should we all do?" Sadie said as she walked into the living room with eight sodas. No one answered, then I raised my voice excitedly, "Oh! Let's play truth or dare!" "Yas, like little kids, Sadie go grab that empty bottle from the table! and put it in the middle, the first person who spins gets to ask the person the bottle lands on a truth or dare then they get to spin and so on!" Lizzy said like she's a professional truth or dare. "Alright! Let's do it! Everyone get in a circle!" Sadie said as she grabbed the bottle and ran to the circle, sitting next to Millie. "Ooo I'll spin first" I said like a little kid, I love games.

So I spinned it and it landed on Lizzy, "okay Liz, truth or dare!" I said. "Uhhh I guess, truth" Lizzy said nervously. "Okay umm...Oh What's your biggest regret?" I asked. "Oh that's easy... well, I regret not telling Gaten that I liked him sooner" Lizzy said confidently. Gaten blushed and everyone awe'd. Next it was Lizzy's turn to spin, it landed on Sadie, "m'kay Sades truth or dare" Lizzy said. "Dare," Sadie said confidently. "I dare you too..."Lizzy looked around the room trying to think of a good dare, "call Pizza hut and tell the person that picks up that you want to order their love" Lizzy said the most random dare of all time but she went with it and called the place and put the phone in speaker mode. "Hi is this Jammal?" Sadie said she was a very good actor. "Um no this is pizza hut what will you be ordering today?" "Oh hi Jammal I just wanted to get one order of your love" after Sadie said that she immediately hung up the phone and everyone laughed. "Okay okay, my turn!" Sadie said, still laughing, as she took the bottle and spun it with force. "Millie! Okay u know the drill truth or dare?" Sadie asked, hoping she would pick, truth. "Uh, I think I'll pick, truth" I answered Sadie. I was nervous of what she'll ask me because she already knows everything about me and there is nothing she needs to find out. "Okay uhhhh...-Oh do you like anyone at the moment" Sadie winked as Finn shot his head up and started biting his nails. Millie knew Sadie was referring to Finn, she was ready to expose Millie but she wasn't going to let her.

I answered honestly though all my anxiety at its highest. "Yes, I thin-no I-I do." I tried to avoid eye contact with Finn because I didn't want to make anything obvious. Everyone "oooo'd" and I just gave Sadie the death stare for making me say it to everyone. "So are you gonna tell us who it is?" Jack said curiously. "No thanks, I answered my truth and that's all I needed to say. Sorry guys'' Millie fired back. "Aww come on please Millie, the people want to know!" Jack is now begging. "I'm not going to say, what about you Jack, does your curious little mind have a crush on anyone? Hmm?" Millie said sarcastically and looked back at Wyatt a couple times. "No, I-whatever" Jack answered nervously while Wyatt looked down. "Yeah that's what I thought" Millie said as silence grew awkwardly..."so...who's next" Millie said breaking the silence as she spun the bottle. The bottle spinned slower and slower... Finn. "O-ok Finn truth or dare." I said nervously, I have no idea what I'll ask to do or say. "I-I guess I'll pick... truth." Finn said, but I have no clue what I'll ask, "uh about you Finn?" I said because I thought he would know what I was referring to. "What do you mean?" Finn asked. "She means do you like anyone?" Sadie said straightforwardly because we were taking so long. "Oh. I mean like I don't know like y-yes I think-I mean I do I really do, but I don't know if they-like i-if they feel the same way..y-ya know? I guess I'm just scared to tell them how I feel." Finn said openly as Millie nodded and rolled the bottle to him for his turn.


I know this chapter is really short but it will get better, and I hope everyone is well

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