Chapter five | The fight...part two?

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Finn's POV-

I saw Iris in the hallway this morning, she walked towards me,"Hey babe, why didn't you text me last night?" she touched the side of my face and up to my hair. "I'm sorry, I was uh busy, my mom needed my help with something" I said making it up as I went along. "Oh ok well, I'm free during lunch if you want to meet me in the janitor's room" she winked, moving her face closer to mine to reach my lips and connected them, I felt so dirty not telling her anything about how I really felt, she opened her mouth to make the kiss more aggressive but I pulled away when I saw Millie walking down the hall. She didn't know why I stopped the kiss but before she could say anything I told her, "I can't during lunch I have to help Wyatt with a project, which I wasn't lying about, hey but I'll talk to you later, alright?" "Fine" she said giving me a hug, as I looked at Millie, she didn't see me because she was at her locker I think she needed help opening it. As soon as Iris left and couldn't see me anymore I went over to Millie's locker, "hey Millie, need some help?" I asked standing close to her. "Yes please, I hate locks, my code is 0-13-39-12" we laughed, I had to move closer to her to get my hands at the lock. Our arms touched. I unlocked her locker, and she thanked me "Millie you've got to stop with the thank you's" I said teasing her, we laughed. "Never" she said sarcastically and we walked to our next classes, together.

Lilia's POV-

"Oh my god is that Millie with Finn. Not even a full day without Joseph and she's already all over Finn" I told Maddie as we both saw Finn and Millie in the hall. "Omg she is such a whore, it's like she can't go one day without a boy tripping all over her." Maddie said. We agreed, "we should tell Iris to watch her boyfriends back." I suggested to Maddie as we walked over to Iris since we have the same class, "girl you better watch out for Millie, I keep seeing her all over Finn, she was practically drooling over him" we said to Iris, her face looked concerned as she said, "thanks for looking out guys, and I know Millie's a hoe but my Finn wouldn't cheat, I think he really likes me." Iris said as she got up to go to the bathroom.

"She'll see." Maddie said to me as we sat down as class started to begin.

Iris's POV-

I thought about it and Lilia and Maddie were right so when I saw Millie in the hall and I wanted to make sure she wasn't going to take Finn away from me. "Millie you better stay away from Finn, not even a day without Joseph and you are already trying to steal Finn from" I told her with a harsh tone. "Iris I don't know what you're talking about me and Finn are just friends." she said to me trying to walk away but I didn't let her. "That's what all sluts say, just watch your back, that's all I'm saying" and I left.

Millie's POV-

I can't believe she just said that to me, I felt like I was about to cry, I need Finn's comforting hug more than ever. I'm not a slut, I didn't even do anything, is asking a friend to help me with something the real definition of a slut because I've never heard of that..

The rest of the day was slow but when it finally ended and I went home, I felt more alone than ever, then I got a text from Sadie, "hey I think I left my charger at your house is it ok if I stopped by and got it." I told her yes because I needed someone to talk to. When she rang the doorbell I answered the door and took her by the hand bringing her upstairs. "So Iris called me a slut today" I told Sadie as I started to cry, she hugged me. "She what!!" Sadie said as she began to scream, "How dare she, what did you even do, she's just jealous Finn likes you instead of her!" "I know, and it was just because Finn helped me open my locker and walked with me to my class, that's what friends do! She shouldn't be jealous." I told her, then she suggested something crazy, "You should call Finn tonight and tell him what his son of a bitch his girlfriend is."

"Yeah, maybe you're right" I said as I walked her to the door and said bye to her and she told me "call me when you're done talking to him I want all the details!" "Alright Sades I will" we said laughing as she got in the car and put her keys in.

The night went on and I was so hesitative to call Finn. So I procrastinated for a while and went over what I would even say. But then I got a call. I went over to my night stand and picked up my phone and looked at the screen, I nearly fell over. A call from Finn. I went to the mirror to see if I looked ok, it still looked like I was crying, my face was red. Then I sat on my bed looking casual, but dying on the inside. I answered the phone.

"Hey Millie." He said as he ran his hand through his hair, it was cute. "Hey Finn" I said, continuing,"so what's up" "I just wanted to talk to someone I'm was kinda bored." he replied, so i just straight up said it,"so I talked to Iris today" he said "oh." "I-um she told me I needed to stay away from you, like I was stealing you away from her, then she uh-she called me a slut because I keep hanging out with you"I said as my voice got a bit shaky trying to hold back the tears from falling down my cheek. "I'm so sorry Millie she's a bitch like that, can I be honest with you Millie?" He said I think he was nervous. "Yeah what happened?" I told him in an assuring voice. "I don't even like Iris, I'm trying to find a way to break up with her, I realize she's not a cool girl." he told me, I blushed. "Oh" I said because I wasn't sure what I should say. He continued talking, "I thought I liked Iris, I really thought but now I just don't anymore, my feeling just changed, ya know maybe it's for the better, she's not the person I thought she was anyway." He finished. "Yeah people change" I said then looking up at his face, we looked into each other's eyes for a couple seconds, then I got an interrupting call from Sadie,"hey I'll talk to you later Sadie is calling me" I said then he said," bye Mill goodnight" and I replied,"Goodnight Finnie" We laughed as we hung up the phone.

I answered the call with Sadie, "Dude you call that the worst times" I laughed." Sooo did you call, how did the call go" She asked totally ignoring the fact I just told her she interrupted me. "Well it was going really well until you interrupted our eye contact" we laughed, "wait he was making eye contact with you?" she asked."yeah, he actually called me first" i said Ignoring the fact that I really like him."-and he told me something" she interrupted again"OMG WHAT?!" she shouted with excitement."he told me he doesn't even like Iris and that he thought she was different and that his feelings changed for the better, and-" I had to stop and take a breath,"and he told me he was still thinking of a way to tell her he doesn't like her, that's all" I said acting like it was nothing when it was the best news I heard all day. "Millie I think you need to put your glasses on because you clearly cannot see Finn likes you! So much he's breaking up with his girlfriend, Mills this is huge!" she said cheering me on. I loved listening to her go on and on about something she's excited about, it's amusing. We talked some more and said bye, I fell asleep thinking some more.

Finn's POV-

I woke up knowing exactly how to completely get rid of Iris, after she called Millie a slut, there's no way I'm still going to date her. So when I got to school, I just did it, there, no holding back anymore.

Iris walked up to me and tried to lean in for a kiss but I stopped her, "Iris we have to talk." I said firmly, I could see the worry on her face, but she kept silent, "Why would you call Millie a slut, I cannot believe you would do that to her, she was really hurt, and there is no reason to even say that her and I we-we are just friends you don't have to be jealous, it's just not ok and I don't want to be with someone that gets jealous, I'm sorry Iris" and without letting her say anything I walked away slowly, but not looking back. I didn't make any regrets, not today.

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